Capacitance-Voltage of Al 2 O 3 Gate Dielectric by ALD on Enhancement-mode InGaAs MOSFET Y. Xuan, H. C. Lin, P. D. Ye, and G. D. Wilk, “Capacitance-voltage studies on enhancement-mode InGaAs metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistor using atomic-layer-deposited Al 2 O 3 gate dielectric”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, (2006).
Outline Cross sections of an InGaAs MOSFET and an capacitor Leakage current in different thermal annealing C-V curve at high frequence I-V Characteristic Curve on InGaAs MOSFET Hysteresis in the CV loops measured at half value of acc- capacitance vs the small signal frequency The accumulation capacitances and the normalized ones vs the small signal frequency at a wide range on the similar device Split-CV Curve on MOSFET The flat-band voltages vs the small signal with different oxide thicknesses
Cross Sections of an E-mode Al 2 O 3 /InGaAs MOSFET and an Capacitor At ⁰ by RTA in N 2 Al 2 O 3 : Amorphous film
Leakage Current in Different Thermal Annealing 850 ⁰ C is critical temperture
C-V Curve at High Frequence
Hysteresis in the C-V Loop unannealing─hysteresis of ~ mV mV The bulk and interface properties start to degrade after annealing temperture higher than 800 ⁰ C.
The acc-Capacitances vs. Frequency at Wide Range Frequency dispersion is only 1% at this frequency range
The Flat-band Voltages vs The Small Signal Frequency
Split-CV Curve on MOSFET
I-V Characteristic Curve of Enhancement-mode In-GaAs MOSFET