And the Technologies to use it. Tina Kaarsberg, PhD House Science Committee, Energy Subcommittee For For Producing Energy:


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Presentation transcript:

and the Technologies to use it. Tina Kaarsberg, PhD House Science Committee, Energy Subcommittee For For Producing Energy: The Emerging Technologies Organized by theNanoscience Exchange November 11, 2004 The Biggest New ‘Source’ of Clean Energy — —Local Recycled Energy

Local enables more use of all fuels Peak Demand Capacity 28 (Losses) Power station fuel ( Losses including T&D ) Electricity CHP fuel Heat Heat Boiler fuel GRID BOILER CHP (Losses) Separate Heat & Power Combined Heat and Power (Typical industrial onsite efficiency)

Peak Demand Capacity Transmission Capacity vs. Demand Use of Local energy reduces the need for more transmission infrastructure

Other Biomass Gases 111 MW, 1% US Operating Recycled Energy Capacity 2002 by Source of Waste Energy --Total 9,328 MW Black Liquor, 3577 MW, 39% Wood Waste Solids, 2447 MW, 27% Other Gases, 1258 MW, 13% Blast Furnace Gas, 926 MW, 10% Landfield Gas, 877 MW, 9% Waste Oil 74 MW, 1% Wood Waste Liquids, 35 MW, 0% Other Biomass Solid, 25 MW, 0% We already recycle energy in many ways.

We already recycle energy in many states! We already recycle energy in many states! --Total 9,328 MW

We could easily recycle a lot more energy Peak Demand Capacity Gasturbine Process Heater Residue Gasification - Petroleum Refining EPSI - VOC Control Black Liquor Gasification Natural Gas Pressure Recovery Turbines Back-Pressure Turbine - Industry Steam Injected Gasturbine (Cheng Cycle Gas Turbine - Drying Landfill Gas Recovery Residue Gasification - Other Industries Municipal Wastewater - Anaerobic Digestion …… …Organic Rankine Cycle Fuels Cells in the Chlorine- Alkaline Industry Advanced Cogeneration - Iron & Steel Back-Pressure Turbine - District Heating Flare Gas Recovery Pressure Power recovery Agriculture - Anaerobic Digestion Industrial Wastewater - Anaerobic Digestion 100 GW Potential NOW

Policy Options to Promote Local Recycled Energy Use The Bully Pulpit Expand Systems R&D –on heat recovery technologies (incl. nano) and –fuel clean up and use (including nano) Add Recycled Energy to a Renewable Portfolio Standard Train & Develop Energy Services Workforce.