6 Types of Nutrients: 1.) Carbohydrates 2.) Proteins 3.) Fats 4.) Vitamins 5.) Minerals 6.) Water Nutrients That Provide Energy Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats provide your body with energy and help maintain your body. 1.) A gram of carbohydrate or Protein = 4 calories of energy 2.) A gram of Fat = 9 calories of energy.
a.) Starches & Sugars b.) Body’s main source of energy. 3 Types of Carbohydrates 1.) Simple Carbohydrates: a.) Sugars: Fructose: Found in fruit Lactose: Found in milk Sugars occur naturally in fruits, dairy products, honey and maple syrups. 2.) Complex Carbohydrates: b.) Starches: Grain products, breads, pasta, beans, and potatoes. We should get about 50-60% of our calories every day from Carbohydrates. :
3.) Fiber: A tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. Fiber moves waste through the digestive system. The Role of Carbohydrates a.) The body breaks carbohydrates down into their simplest forms. b.) Most carbohydrates that are consumed are turned into simple sugars called Glucose – the main source of fuel for the body’s tissue. c.) Glucose can be stored in your body’s tissue and be used later during periods of intense activity. a.) The body uses to build & maintain it cells & tissue. b.) Animal sources include meat, eggs, dairy products. c.) Plant sources include grains, nuts, seeds.
The Role Of Proteins: a.) Basic building material of all body cells – muscles, bones, skin, & internal organs. b.) Helps you grow during childhood & adolescents c.) Helps maintain muscles, ligaments, tendons and body cells. Your body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly. Types of Fat 1.) Unsaturated Fats: Vegetable oils, nuts & seeds Eating unsaturated fats in moderate amounts may lower you risk of heart disease. 2.) Saturated Fats: Found mostly in animal based foods meats & many dairy products. Consuming to many saturated fats can increase your risk of heart disease.
Other types of Nutrients: Vitamins, Mineral, and Water do not provide you with energy, but perform a wide variety of body functions. Compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes. 2 Types of Vitamins 1.) Water Soluble Vitamins: They dissolve in water and pass easily into the bloodstream during digestion. The body does not store these vitamins, they are removed by the kidneys. 2.) Fat Soluble Vitamins: They are stored in the body fat for later use.
Elements found in food that are used by the body. Your body cannot produce minerals, you must get them through the food you eat. Calcium is an important mineral to your health. Calcium promotes bone health and helps reduce your risk of developing Osteoporosis- a condition in which the bones become fragile and break easily. Essential for most body functions. Moves food through the digestive system. Transporting nutrients and removing waste. Storing and releasing heat. Cooling the body through perspiration. Cushioning the eyes, brain & spinal cord and lubricating the joints.
Water Cont. How much water should we drink a day? Take half your body weight and drink that many ounces of water a day. Example: 120 pound person should drink 60 ounces of water everyday
Dietary Guidelines For Americans: A set of recommendations about smart eating & physical activity for all Americans. 3 Key Guidelines 1.) Making Smart Choices Choosing a variety of foods from each of the groups will provide all the nutrients your body needs. 2.) Balance Between Food & Activity Getting enough exercise on a daily basis. (30 to 60 minutes) The steps represent activity. 3.) Get The Most nutrients Out of The Calories Choose nutrient dense foods
Caloric Needs Website: On the website scroll down to Oakcrest Athletes Select Calculating Metabolic Needs Select appropriate page Enter information Follow guidelines
Caloric Needs Also refer to; High Calorie cs. Low Calorie Foods Hydration
1.) Everyday your body needs a certain number of calories, depending on your AGE, GENDER, and ACTIVITY LEVEL. 2.) To make sure you get enough nutrients out of the food you eat, choose Nutrient Dense Foods – These foods have a high ratio of nutrients to calories. Food labels provide information about the INGREDIENTS and NUTRITIONAL VALUE of food.