Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic genomes
Rocha, E Ann. Rev. Genet. 42: Genome organization in bacteria
Published by AAAS P. Glaser et al., Science 294, (2001) Comparison of two Listeria genomes Food-borne pathogen Meningitis
Phe 12s rRNA Val 16s rRNA Leu Ile Gln Met Trp Ala Asn Cys Tyr COI Ser Asp COII Lys ATP8 ATP6 COIII Gly NADH3 Arg NADH4L NADH4 His Ser Leu NADH5 Cyt b Thr Control Region Pro NADH6 Glu noncoding What is this? rRNA genes tRNA genes ATP synthase genes Cytochrome bc1 complex Cytochrome Oxidase NADH:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase NADH1 NADH2
The Rickettsia genome - ancestor of mitochondrial DNA
Plasmids and microbial evolution Vibrio cholerae genome
19.10 Phylogenetic evidence for lateral gene transfer from Archaea to Entamoeba histolytica
Genomic turnover and HGT in the -Proteobacteria
Gene expansion in microbes over time
Genome stasis in Buchnera
Buchnera and ancestral enteric bacteria (E. coli) Gray areas area ancestral genomic components lost
Copyright ©2005 by the National Academy of Sciences Ochman, Howard (2005) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, Fig. 1. Relationships of sequenced bacterial genomes showing that in both the {alpha}- and {gamma}- proteobacteria, lineages with smaller genome sizes are derived from ancestors that had larger genomes
Genomic deletions vary in size and are often slightly deleterious
Scaling of genomes and subgenomes Genome size (Megabases) Subgenome size (Megabases)
Slightly deleterious amino acid substitutions accumulate in Buchnera
Correlation of drift and genome size/gene density
Shotgun sequencing of microbial genomes
Whole-genome phylogenies of prokaryotes
Evolving sequencing technologies ● Sanger Sequencing – Long (~1000 bp) reads – BUT difficult to scale up – Requires large amounts of DNA template ● ‘Next-generation’ sequencing – Shorter reads (30 – 500 bp) – Single molecule sequencing
Sequencing-by-synthesis: 454 Margulies et al Nature
Human microbiome Costello et al. Science (2009) 326:
Human microbiome diversity Costello et al. Science (2009) 326:
Taxonomic diversity in the deep sea
Microbial diversity in the deep sea