Finding 16S By Jadine Daley New Domain Finding 16S By Jadine Daley
16S rRNA rRNA Found in all Bacteria Functional role is same in all ribosomes Structure changes slowly with time Contains variable and conserved regions Used as standard for classifying and identifying microbes Technique pioneered by Carl Woese and George E. Fox in 1977
16S in PCR In our PCR experiment we... Mixed our purified DNA with Primers and Master Mix to target 16S rRNA gene Placed in thermocycler to amplify Loaded amplified DNA into gel Ran Gel Electrophoresis Visualized gel
Celia Moore, PhD Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts Areas of Expertise Developmental Psychobiology Behavioral Neuroscience Hormones and Behavior Sexual Differentiation Celia Moore, PhD Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts