W EST I SLAND S CHOOL Strength from Diversity Inspiring Students to become responsible Global Citizens
This Evening’s Schedule Welcome Address – Ms Jane Foxcroft - Principal Welcome – Mrs Sarah Boesenberg – Head of Year 7 Middle Years Diploma Overview – Mrs Clare Haworth – Vice Principal WIS PTA – Mrs Debbie Davidson Pastoral Care at WIS and General Information – Mr Guy Hewson – Director of Learning Pre 16
W EST I SLAND S CHOOL Strength from Diversity Inspiring Students to become responsible Global Citizens
The West Island School Middle Years Diploma We strive to inspire and support all students in achieving their individual potential for a successful life as responsible global citizens.
What is the Middle Years Diploma? A unique West Island School diploma for years 7-11 which encapsulates the value placed by the school upon a holistic learning…It is not the MYP! The diploma is awarded to students at the end of Year 11.
To ensure progression by extending the work done by partner primary schools. To provide inquiry based and interdisciplinary opportunities Ensuring the core role of creativity, action and service (CAS) in the learning journey of all students. Appropriate internationally recognised qualifications at pre 16 level – (I)GCSEs and BTEC courses. AIMS
W EST I SLAND S CHOOL Strength from Diversity Inspiring Students to become responsible Global Citizens
Parent Teacher Association Mission Statement The mission of the West Island School Parent Teacher Association is to contribute towards the community spirit of the school and to the improvements in the educational environment of our students. The PTA seeks to achieve this by promoting co-operation, communication and discussion between Parents and Teachers on the general welfare of the students and general educational matters Mission Statement The mission of the West Island School Parent Teacher Association is to contribute towards the community spirit of the school and to the improvements in the educational environment of our students. The PTA seeks to achieve this by promoting co-operation, communication and discussion between Parents and Teachers on the general welfare of the students and general educational matters
PTA OFFICE Buses Stationery Uniform WISLIFE Student Directory Fundraising Social Events Buses Stationery Uniform WISLIFE Student Directory Fundraising Social Events
PTA COMMITTEE 11 Parent Members Principal 2 Teacher Representatives 4 Student Representatives 2 Administrative Representatives Chair –Mike Abbs Meetings Bi Monthly Minutes on website 11 Parent Members Principal 2 Teacher Representatives 4 Student Representatives 2 Administrative Representatives Chair –Mike Abbs Meetings Bi Monthly Minutes on website
HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED? PTA Committee Member FAIR Committee Member Volunteer to work in PTA Shops and Office Help out at Social and Student Events PTA Committee Member FAIR Committee Member Volunteer to work in PTA Shops and Office Help out at Social and Student Events
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY The PTA shop is closed for renovation from the 12 th June to the 15 th August 2015 Uniform and Bookshops open: 15 th August – 4.00pm 17 th August 9 am – 4pm (For collection of Online orders only. Payment can be made at time of collection. August only) School Fair - Saturday, 12 th March 2016 PTA AGM – Thursday, 30 th November 2015 Look out for Quiz night / Ceilidh and other events. New Parents Cocktails 17 th September 2015 The PTA shop is closed for renovation from the 12 th June to the 15 th August 2015 Uniform and Bookshops open: 15 th August – 4.00pm 17 th August 9 am – 4pm (For collection of Online orders only. Payment can be made at time of collection. August only) School Fair - Saturday, 12 th March 2016 PTA AGM – Thursday, 30 th November 2015 Look out for Quiz night / Ceilidh and other events. New Parents Cocktails 17 th September 2015
Contact the PTA Tel: Tel:
W EST I SLAND S CHOOL Strength from Diversity Inspiring Students to become responsible Global Citizens
Mission We seek to encourage individuality; foster respect for difference and value learning from others within an international community school. We strive to inspire and support all students in achieving their individual potential for a successful life as responsible global citizens.
Values Community: Collaboration, team work and unity of purpose Compassion: Service and action at school, locally and globally Consideration: Honesty, tolerance and respect for others Commitment: Recognition of our place and responsibilities within the communities in which we live Courage: To challenge ourselves as individuals and as a community
Pre 16 Structure Director of Pre 16 Learning – Mr Guy Hewson Heads of Year Mrs Sarah Bosenburg – Year 7 Mr Blake Harding – Year 8 Mrs Emma Goodwin – Year 9 Ms Samantha Kitson – Year 10 Mr Jonathon Cornes– Year 11 Year 7 Tutors
Role of the Tutor Oversees the academic, social and emotional needs of members of the tutor group Daily contact with students Tutor groups are maintained until the end of Year 11 Conduct tutoring sessions Primary contact for parents
The Tutors 12 Han Alexander MurchieShirley Su Ming Marianne OnsiongDominic Massarella Qing Janine CarmichaelMary Lee Song James TipneyAniket Gocoldas Tang Emma FordhamJessica Williams Yuan Ben JollyClaire Tansill
1-2-1 Tutoring On opportunity for your child to meet individually with their tutor Follows a structured programme over the course of the year Encourages a reflective approach to development and learning Develops a positive relationship with an adult at school Completed as an ePortfolio
Creativity, Activity and Service A key element of the Middle Years Diploma All students are required to complete a CAS programme as part of the MYD A large focus will be placed on developing service amongst the student body Year 7 Camp Run during Horizon’s week next year Treasure Island Group was selected after a careful tender process Promises to be an excellent camp with a high level of challenge for all students
General Information Student planner Homework Lockers Attendance and Lateness Canteen – octopus only payment Office Duty
Gateway Receive Gateway log in end of July 2015 Registration and collection of information such as medical details before your child joins WIS Opt in to receive direct marketing information
Uniform All uniform is supplied through the PTA shop High standards of uniform are expected PE kit
1 st Week First day of school – Monday 17 th August 2015 First day spent with the tutor Students receive their laptop during the first day Activities to familiarise students with technology Will require basic equipment
Dates for the diary Thursday 11 th June pm - CAS showcase Monday 17 th August – first day of school, students to arrive in full WIS uniform Friday 21 st August – 2-3pm showcase of year 7 work Thursday 17 th September 6pm Meet your tutor evening (provisional) Thursday 5 th November pm Parent & Teacher evening (provisional) 9 Th – 13 th November – Horizons Week
W EST I SLAND S CHOOL Strength from Diversity Inspiring Students to become responsible Global Citizens