| imodules.com Incorporating Engagement Data Strategies into Your Communication Approach Jason Roberts, Melissa Knudsen and Mirko Widenhorn
Introductions and Overview Karen Sharpe Worcester State University Executive Director of University Advancement Mirko Widenhorn iModules Strategic Consultant Melissa Knudsen iModules Analytic Consultant
Worcester State University
Worcester State Goals Increase overall level of engagement Increase number of engaged alumni Focus on young alumni Use data-driven decision-making to set goals
Setting an engagement benchmark 40%8% 46% 6%
Worcester State population Gender split evenly Young Supports health-related causes Shops online Gender split evenly Mature/Retired Supports health-related causes Shops online Female Young Supports wildlife causes Female Mature Supports wildlife causes
Class Year
By major
Recommendations Criminal Justice alumni Develop e-newsletter with major-specific stories Include role-based content by quadrant Develop and market online and offline event Primary focus on Keepers and Committed quadrants Work with faculty for department-specific solicitation (for non-Lybunts)
Young alumni
Major and Young Alumni
PopulationActionDescriptionTiming Key Targets address acquisition Use phonathon, print campaign, event registration to gather addresses All year Keeper and Committed Identify online ambassadors #1 with call to action to share WSU news and description of ambassador program Mid-September Keeper and Committed Identify online ambassadors #2 Pre-release of WSU news with call to action to become ambassador Mid-October Occupational Studies Key Targets Departmental update Departmental update with call to action October Occupational Studies Keeper Faculty communication Personal from faculty members who knew students November Keeper and Committed Young alumni e- newsletter Update specifically for young alumni with mentoring program call to action January Key TargetsYoung alumni e- newsletter Update specifically for young alumni with info update call to action January
Giving Engaged alumni 1,123 engaged alumni did not make a gift last year but previously supported WSU (21%) 2,435 Sybunts and Lapsed Sybunts are Key Targets (46%) Sybunts have higher CEI than average constituent
Recommendations PopulationActionDescriptionTiming Highly engaged constituents and high potential constituents (820) solicitation prior to print incorporating past giving Mid-August Sybunts – Key Targets engagement communication Communication sharing student successes End of August Sybunts - Keepers follow-up to solicitation Focus on assisting studentsMid-September Sybunts – Key Targets engagement communication #2 Communication focusing on student scholarship benefits with soft ask End of September Sybunts – Key Targets solicitationStudent scholarship solicitation End of October
Day of Giving impact
Recommendations – Day of Giving Identify online ambassadors Keepers and Committed with high CEI score Areas with high number of alumni but low participation Adjust communication based on propensity to engage and geographic location
Clubs and Organization Involvement
Recommendations Honors Program Invite participation in academic-oriented events Focus on Key Targets to engage them Develop deeper communication plan Student Senate Develop e-communication providing university update to increase engagement Radio Station Comparatively low level of current and potential engagement
Measuring progress Rescoring of engagement data Reviewing progress on identified target groups Measuring progress on measures
Worcester State Goals New data points will help identify populations to focus on Provide a benchmark on which to build
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