Making the Transition Deuteronomy From Moses to National Identity
Review Genesis – Why? Genesis – Why? Why God needed to make a Covenant with Israel Why God needed to make a Covenant with Israel Structure: Structure: Cosmological Origins Stories (1-11) + Ancestor Hero Stories (12-50) Cosmological Origins Stories (1-11) + Ancestor Hero Stories (12-50) Four Story Cycles: Four Story Cycles: Origins of All Kinds (1-11): What is the nature of reality? Origins of All Kinds (1-11): What is the nature of reality? Abraham (12-25): Who are we as a people? Abraham (12-25): Who are we as a people? Jacob (26-36): What is our character? Jacob (26-36): What is our character? Joseph (37-50): How did we get to Egypt? Joseph (37-50): How did we get to Egypt?
Review: Genesis diagrammed Creation norm plus 10 moral genealogies Creation Individual Sin Individual Salvation Communal Sin Communal Salvation Genesis 1-11Genesis (Ishmael) (Esau)
Review Exodus – What? What is the Covenant between God and Israel all about? Structure: Struggles (1-19) Stipulations (20-24) Symbols (25-40)
Review Leviticus – How? Leviticus – How? How does it feel to live in this Covenant relationship with God? How does it feel to live in this Covenant relationship with God? Theme Verses (19:1-2): The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: 'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.’” Theme Verses (19:1-2): The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: 'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.’”
Leviticus: How Does the Covenant Feel and Function? 1-7 Personal Inward Cleansing (offerings) 1-7 Personal Inward Cleansing (offerings) 8-10 Symbolic National Cleansing (priests) 8-10 Symbolic National Cleansing (priests) Personal Outward Cleansing Personal Outward Cleansing 16 Symbolic National Cleansing (“Day of Atonement”) 16 Symbolic National Cleansing (“Day of Atonement”) General Instructions Concerning Clean and Unclean Living General Instructions Concerning Clean and Unclean Living 26 Curses & Blessings (Covenant tie-in) 26 Curses & Blessings (Covenant tie-in) 27 Appendix: Instructions Concerning Dedications 27 Appendix: Instructions Concerning Dedications
Numbers: Who Is in the Covenant? 1-10 – Signing on the Dotted Line 1-10 – Signing on the Dotted Line – Covenant Breaking & Renewal – Covenant Breaking & Renewal – Covenant Reaffirmation (including a summary of the Covenant Calendar) and a final push toward Canaan – Covenant Reaffirmation (including a summary of the Covenant Calendar) and a final push toward Canaan
Review & Anticipation Genesis – Why? Genesis – Why? Exodus – What? Exodus – What? Leviticus – How? Leviticus – How? Numbers – Who? Numbers – Who? Deuteronomy – How Long? Deuteronomy – How Long? How long will the Covenant remain in effect? How long will the Covenant remain in effect? For only the generation that stood at Sinai? For only the generation that stood at Sinai? For all generations to come? For all generations to come?
Deuteronomy Literary “Feel” Literary “Feel” Personal—Last Will & Testament of Moses Personal—Last Will & Testament of Moses Passionate—Given on the eve of crossing into the promised land from the one who had traveled long with both God and Israel Passionate—Given on the eve of crossing into the promised land from the one who had traveled long with both God and Israel Poignant—A dying man’s testimony delivered with deep meaning to the people he loved Poignant—A dying man’s testimony delivered with deep meaning to the people he loved
Deuteronomy Literary Character: Literary Character: “Farewell Testament” “Farewell Testament” Cf. Jacob (Genesis 48-50), Joshua (Joshua 23-24) Cf. Jacob (Genesis 48-50), Joshua (Joshua 23-24) Shaped in Covenant Structure: Shaped in Covenant Structure: “Book of the Law” found during Josiah’s reform? (2 Kings 22-23) “Book of the Law” found during Josiah’s reform? (2 Kings 22-23) “Deuteronomist” document of Wellhausen’s source theory? “Deuteronomist” document of Wellhausen’s source theory? J – “Yahwist” (Exodus & Covenant stories) J – “Yahwist” (Exodus & Covenant stories) E – “Elohist” (Creation and older stories woven into “J”) E – “Elohist” (Creation and older stories woven into “J”) P – “Priestly” (Leviticus & other Priestly Codes) P – “Priestly” (Leviticus & other Priestly Codes) D – “Deuteronomist” (Deuteronomy and later editing of Pentateuch) D – “Deuteronomist” (Deuteronomy and later editing of Pentateuch)
Deuteronomy Literary Development: Textual Units (each begins “these are/this is”) 1:1-4:43 4:44-11:32 12:1-26:19 27:1-28:68 29:1-32:52 33:1-34:12 Three Addresses (by Moses) + Concluding Events First Speech (1:1-4:43) Second Speech (4:44-28:68; except for chapter 27) Third Speech (29-30) Concluding Events (31-34)
Deuteronomy Literary Structure (as Covenant Document) Literary Structure (as Covenant Document) Prologue (1-4) – Preamble + Historical Prologue Prologue (1-4) – Preamble + Historical Prologue Covenant in Summary (5-11) – Stipulations Covenant in Summary (5-11) – Stipulations Core Covenant Stipulations (12-26) – Stipulations Core Covenant Stipulations (12-26) – Stipulations Curses & Blessings (27-28) – Curses & Blessings Curses & Blessings (27-28) – Curses & Blessings Covenant Renewal (29-32) – Document Clause Covenant Renewal (29-32) – Document Clause Epilogue (33-34) Epilogue (33-34)
Deuteronomy Note these things: Name “Deuteronomy” from 17:18 (Septuagint) Slight difference in “Decalogue” (compare Exodus 20 with Deuteronomy 5) The “Shema” (6:4-5) becomes the fundamental Israelite/Jewish/Christian testimony (see Matthew 22:37) Jesus quotes Deuteronomy more than any other Hebrew Bible book except the Psalms, including his defense against Satan in the Wilderness Temptations “Hear” (50x); “Keep/Observe/Obey” (177x); out of a heart of “love” (21x) Promise of prophets and the great Prophet (18:15-22) Mandate for covenant renewal at Shechem (27:11-26) Moses’ last days (31), song (32), blessing (33), death (34)
Bible “Big Picture” Covenant Making – God establishes a covenant relationship with a missional community by way of a redemptive act Covenant Making – God establishes a covenant relationship with a missional community by way of a redemptive act Genesis – Why? Genesis – Why? Exodus – What? Exodus – What? Leviticus – How? Leviticus – How? Numbers – Who? Numbers – Who? Deuteronomy – How Long? Deuteronomy – How Long? Covenant Living – God guides the covenant relationship with the missional community by way of authorized spokespersons Covenant Living – God guides the covenant relationship with the missional community by way of authorized spokespersons Covenant Questions – God nurtures the covenant relationship with a missional community by way of spiritual wisdom and insight Covenant Questions – God nurtures the covenant relationship with a missional community by way of spiritual wisdom and insight