Forward by Faith Joshua 3-4 Chapter 4. Book of Joshua – The victory of faith and the glory that comes to God when His people trust and obey In Christian.


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Presentation transcript:

Forward by Faith Joshua 3-4 Chapter 4

Book of Joshua – The victory of faith and the glory that comes to God when His people trust and obey In Christian life, you are either an overcomer or overcome (victim) Deuteronomy 6:23 – “He brought us out…that he might bring us in.” Salvation beginning in Christian life John 10:10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. “In our spiritual growth and service for the Lord, “ there remains very much land yet to be possessed (Joshua 13:1 NKJV)

Theme is the same for Book of Joshua and Hebrew: “Let us go on” (Hebrews 6:1) –Unbelief: “Let’s go back to where it’s safe” –Faith: “Let’s go forward to where God is working” –Joshua and Caleb: faith “Let’s go and possess it for we are well able to overcome it” –10 spies and people: unbelief “”We are not able” (Numbers 14:1-4) –Result: 40 years of discipline in the wilderness (Numbers 13:26-33)

–“And this is the victory that overcome the world – our faith” (I John 5:4) –God honored the people of faith because they believed His word. –What change? Not God, not the principle of faith; attitude of God’s people. –Three Essentials to move ahead by faith & claiming all that He has for us The Word of Faith (3:1-13) –Joshua received orders from the Lord and obeyed by faith –“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing bye the word of God (Romans 10:17) –Faith is not believing in spite of evidence, but obeying in spite of consequence

–Faith is an active force, not a passive feeling Abraham Moses Gideon –Living faith leads to action “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith with works is dead also” (James 2:26) –The officers’ message to the people (1-4) Early riser (6:12, 7:16, 8:10) –Hezekial (2Chronicles 29:20) –Moses (Exodus 24:4, 34:4) –David (Psalm 57:8, 119:147) –Lord Jesus (Mark 1:35)

Impossible to live by faith and ignore God’s Word and prayer (Acts 6:4) Faith is nurtured by worship and the Word Self-discipline Camp in Acacia Grove (Shittum), 10 mile to Jordan River Ark – 16 times In chapters 3&4 in Joshua –Ark of covenant (10 times) –Ark of the Lord (3 times) –The ark (3 times) –The throne of God (Exodus 25:10-22) Encouragement to their faith Presence of the ark: a guarantee of the presence of the Lord

–Joshua’s Message to the People (5) Order and fulfillment of the promise depended on their obedieance –Promises »Unconditional »Certain conditions “Sanctify yourselves” (Exodus 19:9-15) –Washing one’s body & changing one’s clothes –New beginning with the Lord »Psalm 51:2,7 »Jacob (Genesis 35:1-3) »David (2 Samuel 12:20) »New Testament: 2Corinthians 6:14-7:1; Ephesian 4:26-27; Colossians 3:8-15 –Joshua ‘s message to the priests (6)

Responsibility to bear the ark Faith and Courage –The message of the Lord to Joshua (7-8) Authority from the Lord like Moses Stature and authority shows effective leadership –Joshua’s message to the people (9-13) True leadership focuses the eyes of God’s people on the Lord and His greatness –“The living God” (10) –“The Lord of all the earth” (11,13) The Jordan River be opened –2 Chronicle 20:20 “Believe in the Lord God, and you shall be established; believe his prophets, and you shall prosper.”

–I Kings 8:56 “There has not failed one word of all His promises.” The Walk of Faith (3:14-17) –Jordan River: hundred feet wide normally –During the flood season a mile wide 28 miles away upstream near a city, Adam “Get our feet wet” Red sea (Exodus 14:21-22): Moses Jordan River: obedient feet of the people Imagery –Crossing Red Sea: delivered form the bondage of sin –Jordan River: believer claiming the inheritance in Jesus Christ –Joshua: type of Jesus our Conqueror leading us on daily basis (I Corinthians 2:9-10)

–Forward in spiritual maturity, not going backward in unbelief –Christian never stand still in Christian life; move forward in faith or go backward in unbelief The Witness of Faith (4:1-24) –Water and people obeyed –12 stones at Gilgal (1-8, 10-24) –12 stones in the midst of the river (9) –The Stones placed at Gilgal 12 men from each tripbe (3:12) 8 miles to Gilgal Gilgal; two miles from Jericho –Gilgal, important center for Israel –David was crowned there (I Samuel 11)

–David was welcomed back after the death of Absalom –Samuel’s ministry circuit (I Samuel &:16) –School of prophets in the days of Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 1-2; 4:38) –Joshua’s camp and center of operations Heap of 12 stones, reminder of what God did for His people –Teaching the next generation about Jehovah and His special relationship to God’s people –God is to be feared, loved, and obeyed Shrine, instead of spiritual meaning –Hosea (Hosea 4:15, 9:15, 12:11) –Amos (Amos 4:4, 5:5) –Joshua set up the monument in the midst of the river (9) God’s command?

The monument at Gilgal: reminder that God opened the river and brought them safely across the river into the Promised Land The monument in the river: reminder of old life being buried and “walking in the newness of life: (Romans 6:1-4) –Two stones of blessings and cursing: Mt. Ebal and Mt Gerizim (Deuteronomy 27:1-8, Joshua 8:30-35) –Heap of stones over Achan and his family (7;25-26) –Witness Stone at Schechem (24:24-28; Judge 9:6) –A “great altar” reminding 2½ tribes being part of Israel –Good memorials; just don’t let them become idols »Next generation need reminders of what God has done in history »Reminder must strengthen their faith and draw them closer to God besides remember what God has done

Christians have overcoming power, not allowing the world, flesh, and the devil to defeat us –In Jesus Christ, we are overcomes (I John 5:4) –To claim the inheritance believe the Word and get your feet wet –Step in faith Israel was now in the land, but they were not ready to confront the enemy Get your feet wet