Psalm 25:21 May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you. Jesus is the Christ! September 11 th, 2011 Church of Christ at Medina
1.It comes from the Greek word Christos, and the Hebrew word mashiah. 2.The word means anointed and is similar to consecration. 3.It has reference to one chosen, devoted, dedicated, or set apart for the service and/or worship of God. What does the word Christ mean? 1.The tabernacle. (Exodus 30:26-30) 2.Prophets (1 Kings 19:16) 3.Priests (Ex. 29:1ff, Lev. 8:30) 4.Kings (1 Samuel 9:16, 16:3, II Sam. 12:7, 1 Kings 1:34, etc.) Examples for Anointing
1.In time though, the term came to have a more specific meaning. It referenced the one that God had chosen to save His people. 2.The Jews during the time of Jesus were looking for the Messiah or Christ. 3.If Jesus is the Christ, then we should be able to prove that He fulfilled all the roles of the Christ. What does the word Christ mean? Reference Verses John 1:45 John 1:41
1.When John came preaching, some believed and some did not. Some of the Jews asked – “Are you the Prophet?” 2.God did not want the Israelites to be like the other heathen nations, so He gave them a Law and promised to “raise up for you a prophet” like Moses. Role # 1: Prophet 1.John 1: Deuteronomy 18:15-18 Reference Verses
1.God did continue to raise up prophets for the children of Israel. They told, spoke or announced things for God. 2.Examples: Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah 3.These prophets would remind the people of God’s laws and commands and provide specific warnings. 4.These prophets understood though that there was still a future Messiah coming. Role # 1: Prophet 1.Jeremiah 1: Exodus 4:10-17, 7: Peter 1:10-12 Reference Verses
1.Jesus, though, became the Prophet and the fulfillment of the Christ. How can we know this? 2.First, Peter announced that Jesus was the fulfillment. 3.Second, God made witness to the fact that He was His chosen vessel that we should listen to. 4.Finally, Jesus fulfilled the role in that He came like Moses. Role # 1: Prophet 1.John 1: Acts 3: Matthew 17:1-5 4.Hebrews 1:1-3 Reference Verses
1.Moses was the mediator between God and man. 2.God gave the Israelites a law through Moses. 3.Jesus is now the mediator between God and man. 4.Jesus is the current and final lawgiver. Role # 1: Prophet 1.Deuteronomy 18: Exodus 20: John 1:17 4.John 14:6 5.Ephesians 2: Timothy 2:5 7.Hebrews 3:1-6 8.Hebrews 9:15a Reference Verses
1.Moses was different than all other prophets in that God spoke to him “mouth-to-mouth” and “face to face.” 2.Jesus was also different in that He could speak for God because He had been with God and was one with God. Role # 1: Prophet 1.Numbers 12:1-9 2.Deuteronomy 34: John 1 4.John 6: John 4:34 6.John 5:30, 43 7.John 6:38 8.John 12: John 14:10-11, John 15:15 11.John 16:28 12.John 17:5,8,21 Reference Verses
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” Role # 1: Prophet – Conclusion 1.John 20:30-31 Reference Verses