1 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought
2 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Leadership [1] Former models of leadership conceptualised leadership as authoritarian, command-driven, charismatic, with ‘strong’ personalities. Likert identifies 4 management styles –Exploitative authoritarian –Benevolent autocracy –Consultative –participative
3 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Leadership [2] In ‘new leadership’ it is necessary to give up control to get results The ‘new leader’ facilitates coordination and integration in order to get work done [Sayles] Bennis argues that leaders have 4 vital skills –Management of attention –Management of meaning –Management of trust –Management of self
4 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought New ways of Managing people [1] Note that Human Resource Management can mean a radically different conception than Personnel Management HRM can be seen as… –A facilitator of change –An integrated approach to management –A mediator
5 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought New ways of Managing people [2] Employment Law increasingly complex What motivates ? And demotivates ? Personal development and organisational needs Impact of ITC ( ,’audit’ trails) Stress and its management Every manager their own personnel dept ?
6 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Empowerment [1] Organisations are now flatter and wider Delegation is now a necessity Empowerment implies not just delegation but an increase in worker autonomy Does one delegate to the least competent, thus ensuring that they learn?
7 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Empowerment [2] Rosabeth Moss Kanter ‘by empowering others a leader does not decrease his own’ Businesses need to be flexible but not too free-wheeling Relationships and communication more important than structure
8 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Reinventing Marketing [1] Market driven, not just marketing driven! Marketing departments may have been too concerned with process and effectiveness was not properly measured Relationship marketing is concerned with retaining customers, not just attracting them (given the costs of getting new customers)
9 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Reinventing Marketing [2] Creation of customer loyalty an important concept (e.g. a family may spend £40k in a supermarket over 10 years) Brand management implies targeting the right section of a fragmented market New products and services have to developed constantly
10 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Global Management [1] Rise of homogenous markets (in cars, cosmetics,tobacco, drink] Globalisation can.. –Enable R&D to develop a product range –Respond quickly in purchasing –Economies of scale for a mass market –Distribution and sales need to match
11 BS3916 Thinking about Management 5: Contemporary management thought Global Management [2] Rise of the internet has maximised markets and accentuated competition Global companies need efficient communication networks to be able to respond quickly to market change Global companies can and do switch production to lower cost/tax regimes