ADP Portal: How to Request & Cancel Time Off Into The Future June 2009 All Employees Eligible for Vacation/Sick Benefits Dalton State College Requests for Time Off 4/23/2017
Online Tutorial Objectives No actual training classes are provided. This is strictly an online web tutorial in a PowerPoint format. This tutorial walks through the steps with explanations of How to Request Time Off that is not within the current pay period (into the future). Specific links on the My Actions link of the ADP eTime is used to make the requests. Workflow activities results in email routings and approvals or rejections of ones’ request are outlined. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Tutorial Sections Description of Item Estimated Time Check Off Requests for Time Off - Vacation 5 minutes Request for Time Off – Sick Cancel Time Off Requests My Information Links 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
ADP Navigation – Request Time Off Select on the Time Tab from the ADP Home Page Note: Must Log into ADP Portal with User ID/ Password to begin On the Time Page, access eTime 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
ADP Portal Navigation My Actions is based on your security to access specific actions. Typically, only those employees eligible for vacation and sick time off will be provided with links to Request and Cancel time off. Select My Actions link to access the Requests for Time Off (and Cancellation of Time Off) 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Request Time Off via My Actions BiWeekly Employees Monthly Employees Under the section Actions in My Actions, select the link that is closest to your pay period type. For example: All employees who are paid BiWeekly will select BiWeekly Employee – Request Time Off; All monthly employees will select Monthly Employee - Request Time Off. 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Time Off – Vacation Request Screen Once you select the link to request Time Off based on your pay period type (bi-weekly or monthly), Complete the information being requested. See screen shot at left for guidance. Contact HR/Payroll if there are questions. Notice that Time Off Balances are reflected at the top of the screen. You can only request hours you have available in the balances. Remember! Any field with an asterisk to the left of the field is required. Select the Request Type Vacation using the drop down arrow. Input the Start and End Dates either manually or using the calendar icons at the end of the fields. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Time Off – Vacation Request Screen Additional information to note are as follows: Most employees do not have a scheduled shift, thus select the radio button of Specify Hours in the *Hours field. Then complete the Start Time and number of hours for the day that you are taking off– If it is less than 8 hours just mark the number of hours you plan to be out for the request type. Always remember to Click on the Next button to go to the next screen. Message can be input as needed. Default of *Hours is Specify Hours, thus you must fill in the next section. Click Next after completing the page. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Vacation Email Approval Request Time Off – Vacation Email Approval Email will be automatically sent to your inbox for the vacation time off request. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Vacation Email Approval Request Time Off – Vacation Email Approval Email will be automatically sent from your manager that your request for time off has been approved (or rejected). 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Tutorial Sections Description of Item Estimated Time Check Off Requests for Time Off - Vacation 5 minutes Request for Time Off – Sick Cancel Time Off Requests My Information Links 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Request Time Off - Sick My Actions is based on your security to access specific actions. This is the same navigational path that was used to request time off (vacation) previously but now we want to cancel the approved vacation, due to a change of plans, etc. Select My Actions link to access the Requests for Time Off (and Cancellation of Time Off) 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Request Time Off - Sick via My Actions BiWeekly Employees Monthly Employees Under the section Actions in My Actions, select the link that is closest to your pay period type. For example: All employees who are paid BiWeekly will select BiWeekly Employee – Request Time Off; All monthly employees will select Monthly Employee - Request Time Off. 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Time Off – Sick Request Screen Once you select the link to request Time Off based on your pay period type (bi-weekly or monthly), Complete the information being requested. See screen shot at left for guidance. Contact HR/Payroll if there are questions. Notice that Time Off Balances are reflected at the top of the screen. You can only request hours you have available in the balances. Remember! Any field with an asterisk to the left of the field is required. Select the Request Type of Sick using the drop down arrow. Input the Start and End Dates either manually or using the calendar icons at the end of the fields. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Time Off – Sick Request Screen Additional information to note are as follows: Most employees do not have a scheduled shift, thus select the radio button of Specify Hours in the *Hours field. Then complete the Start Time and number of hours for the day that you are taking off– If it is less than 8 hours just mark the number of hours you plan to be out for the request type. Always remember to Click on the Next button to go to the next screen. Message can be input as needed. Default of *Hours is Specify Hours, thus you must fill in the next section. Click Next after completing the page. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Request Time Off - Sick Submitted Email Email will be automatically sent to you to confirm your request for approval of Sick Time Off. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Request Time Off – Sick Email Rejection Email will be automatically sent from your manager that your request for sick time off has been rejected and a message from manager can be included as well. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Tutorial Sections Description of Item Estimated Time Check Off Requests for Time Off - Vacation 5 minutes Request for Time Off – Sick Cancel Time Off Requests My Information Links 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Cancel Time Off Requests My Actions is based on your security to access specific actions. This is the same navigational path that was used to request time off (vacation) previously but now we want to cancel the approved vacation, due to a change of plans, etc. Select My Actions link to access the Requests for Time Off (and Cancellation of Time Off) 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Cancel Time Off Requests via My Actions Monthly Employees BiWeekly Employees Similarly with Requests for Time Off, select the link that is closest to your pay period type. For example: All employees who are paid BiWeekly will select BiWeekly Employee – Cancel Time Off Request; All monthly employees will select Monthly Employee - Cancel Time Off Request. 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Cancel Time Off Requests Click on drop down to select Vacation to be canceled in the *Request Type field. Enter the *Start/End Dates of the previously approved Vacation request. Click on Save & Close which will submit your request to cancel time off. An email is sent to your email address indicating cancellation of time off was submitted for approval. Additionally, an email to your manager is sent requesting their approval for time off. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Cancel Time Off Requests – Email Submitted An email is sent to your inbox indicating cancellation of time off request was submitted for approval. Additionally, an email to your manager is sent requesting their approval for time off. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Cancel Time Off Requests – Manager Approval An email is sent from your manager indicating that the cancellation of time off was approved. The Accrual balances should be updated when Cancellation has been approved. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Tutorial Sections Description of Item Estimated Time Check Off Requests for Time Off - Vacation 5 minutes Request for Time Off – Sick Cancel Time Off Requests My Information Links 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
My Information Section The Inbox is to Review Tasks and Messages My Reports is the ability to view the timecard as a Schedule or Time Details for specific period being requested as well as being able to produce report of one’s current Accrual Balances. My Timecard is to view Current Pay Period and Prior Pay Period information. My Actions link is for Requesting (Canceling) Vacation/Sick Time Off At My Information section in eTime, you can selection specific link, which will provide you to other options within eTime. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Reviewing Messages from My Information > Inbox Link Click the Inbox link At My Information section in eTime, you can selection Inbox link, which will provide you with a list of tasks for you to review as well as messages for review or actions 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
My Information > Inbox Link Reviewing Tasks from My Information > Inbox Link Click the Tasks Tab Click on the Tasks Tab, which will provide you with a list of tasks for you to review. Then highlight and click on the task for review. This will tell you the Status of any Requests for Time Off and Cancels that you submitted. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Reviewing Messages from My Information > Inbox Link In your Inbox, there will be a Task Tab and Messages Tab. Select the Messages Tab which will be the same messages that you that you would receive through your normal email account. If you select any of the messages by clicking on the message and a pop-up window will appear to view the message. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
My Information > Reports Link In Reports you can run reports that are available in your list. You will be able to run an Accrual Balance report as well specifying the As of Date field. 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off
Bi-Wkly Regular Employees Additional Contact Information For additional assistance or to answer questions further contact the following staff: Faith Miller, HR ext. 2034 Nettie Henderson, Payroll ext. 4462 Audrey Goforth, Payroll ext 4463 4/23/2017 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off Bi-Wkly Regular Employees
Tutorial Sections Description of Item Estimated Time Check Off Requests for Time Off - Vacation 5 minutes Request for Time Off – Sick Cancel Time Off Requests My Information Links 4/23/2017 Requests for Time Off