Karen Herter (HMG) Mike Langley (DGS) April 15, 2008 Portfolio Manager for California State Buildings Meeting the Requirements of Executive Order S-20-04
2 Part A – What we’ve accomplished so far 1. Uploaded facility data into Portfolio Manager 2. Sent data release forms to largest utilities 3. Obtained energy use and cost data from smaller utilities
3 1. Uploaded facility data into Portfolio Manager
4 2. Sent data release forms to largest utilities, and 3. Obtained energy use and cost data from smaller utilities
5 Percent of meters with complete data, by department
6 Part B - Overview of State Agency Responsibilities 1.Review facility data for accuracy 2.Enter actual space use metrics for offices over 5,000 square feet 3.Review energy data for completeness 4.Provide reports as needed – Statement of Energy Performance (one facility) – Energy Performance Report (multiple facilities)
7 1. Review facility data for accuracy Make sure that all of your buildings are listed… …with correct address and year built
8 1. Review facility data for accuracy Make sure that all of your buildings are listed… …with correct square footage
9 2. Enter actual space use metrics …for offices over 5,000 square feet
10 3. Review energy data for completeness
11 4. Provide reports as needed Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) – Summarizes energy and environmental performance for a single facility – Reports a single year with user-chosen end date – Can help support LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) applications – Is a required component of the application for official recognition as an ENERGY STAR Building Energy Performance Report – Summarizes energy performance for a group of facilities – Reports a single year or compare between two chosen years. – ed to the user in Excel format one business day after being requested
12 4a. Statement of Energy Performance 1 (1) From Facility Summary, click on Generate a Statement of Energy Performance. (2) Choose a Period Ending Date (3) Click on: GENERATE REPORT 2 3
13 4b. Energy Performance Report (1) From My Portfolio, click on Request Energy Performance Report. (2) Choose a Summary or Comparative report (3) Choose a group of facilities (4) Click on CONTINUE (5) Confirm address and click on REQUEST REPORT
Part C – Portfolio Manager Basics
1. Viewing facility data in Portfolio Manager 1.1 The Portfolio Manager website 1.2 Logging into Your Account 1.3 My Portfolio 1.4 Facility Summary 1.5 Reports
16 …at The Portfolio Manager website
Logging into Your Account (1) Enter your Username and Password and click: Login (2) Click: Access My Portfolio 2 1
18 My Portfolio summarizes the performance of your entire portfolio of buildings. (a) The Portfolio Averages box displays the Energy Star ratings for your portfolio, if available. (b) The GROUP menu allows you to group facilities and choose which group to view. (c) The VIEW menu allows you to look at various performance data summaries of your buildings and customize the way you view results. (d) The Facility Name list shows all the facilities (real properties) currently in your portfolio 1.3 My Portfolio a d c b
19 1.3(b) Facility Groups Portfolio Manager allows you to create and view groups of similar buildings (e.g. by location). 1 2 (1) From My Portfolio, choose an existing GROUP to view. (2) Click on Create Group to design your own. (3) Type in a Group Name. (4) Select buildings to include in the group and click SAVE at the bottom of the screen (not shown). 4 3
20 1.3(c) Custom Views 1 (1) From My Portfolio, choose an existing VIEW. 3 4 (3) Type in a View Name. (4) Select data fields to include in the view and click SAVE at the bottom of the screen (not shown). 2 (2) Click on Create View to design your own.
Facility Summary The Facility Summary page summarizes building data and performance. (1) From My Portfolio, click on a facility name 1 Facility Summary: (a) The General Information section displays facility address, year built and EStar ratings. (b) The Facility Performance section summarizes building energy performance and costs. (c) The Space Use section lists the primary and secondary spaces in the selected facility. (d) The Energy Meters section lists each electricity meter for the selected facility. a b c d
Reports Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) – Summarizes energy and environmental performance for a single facility – Reports a single year with user-chosen end date – Can help support LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) applications – Is a required component of the application for official recognition as an ENERGY STAR Building Energy Performance Report – Summarizes energy performance for a group of facilities – Reports a single year or compare between two chosen years. – ed to the user in Excel format one business day after being requested
23 1.5(a) Statement of Energy Performance 1 (1) From Facility Summary, click on Generate a Statement of Energy Performance. (2) Choose a Period Ending Date (3) Click on: GENERATE REPORT 2 3
24 1.5(b) Energy Performance Report (1) From My Portfolio, click on Request Energy Performance Report. (2) Choose a Summary or Comparative report (3) Choose a group of facilities (4) Click on CONTINUE (5) Confirm address and click on REQUEST REPORT
2. Adding and Editing Data in Portfolio Manager 2.1 Adding a New Facility 2.2 Editing Facility Data 2.3 Creating a Space 2.4 Editing Space Characteristics 2.5 Editing Energy Data
Adding a New Facility (2) Enter information to create a new facility and click on SAVE at the bottom 2 1 (1) From My Portfolio, Click on: Add Facility
Editing Existing Facility Data 1 (2) On Facility Summary in the General Information box, click on: Edit 2 (1) From My Portfolio, click on a Facility Name 3 (3) Edit facility data as needed and click on SAVE at the bottom
Creating a Space (1) On Facility Summary in the Space Use section, click on: Add Space The total floor area of a facility may be divided into space definitions to designate floor space used for different purposes or metered separately. 1 (2) Indicate a Name for the space (3) Use the drop-down menu to select a Space Type. (4) Add an Effective Date - usually the date of construction or renovation. (5) Click Continue
Editing Space Characteristics 1 (1) From the Facility Summary, click on a Space Name 2 (2) Click Edit to modify a value 6 (6) Click SAVE to return to Facility Summary view. (3) Change values as needed (4) Select Update Attribute to track changes in space usage, or choose Correct Attribute if the initial value was incorrect. (5) Click SAVE to return to Edit Facility Space view
Editing Energy Data If Portfolio Manager is unable to generate an energy performance score, energy data should be checked for the following: Gaps or overlaps in periods of consumption Meters with less than 11 months of data (1) From the Facility Summary Energy Meters section, click on a Meter Name. 1 2 (2) To edit dates, energy consumption, or cost, make changes to the respective fields and click SAVE at the bottom of the screen (not shown).
3. Applying for an Energy Star Award
32 Apply for an Energy Star Award Have PE Verify Indoor Environmental Quality Thermal Comfort IAQ Analysis Lighting Levels Enter facility data and at least one year of energy use data Energy Performance Rating Explore opportunities to improve energy efficiency < Generate Statement of Energy Performance Submit Application for the ENERGY STAR Label
4. Supporting Documentation 4.1 Portfolio Manager Help Screen 4.2 Additional Resource Documents 4.3 EPA Resources For More Information
Portfolio Manager Help Screen (1) Click the “Help” button at the top of any Portfolio Manager window to see the help topics. 1 2 (2) The Help files offer assistance for every step in rating energy performance and applying for ENERGY STAR recognition.
Additional Resource Documents Professional Engineer’s Guide (Adobe Acrobat file) provides information to assist the licensed building professional in reviewing your buildings. It includes procedures for evaluating the acceptability of a building's indoor environment and for verifying the building and energy data entered into Portfolio Manager. For more information, please visit: ENERGY STAR Label for Buildings Technical Description (Adobe Acrobat files) describes the key features of Portfolio Manager and how it operates, including the statistical basis of the calculations that result in a rating for your buildings. For more information, please visit: ENERGY STAR Identity Guidelines (Adobe Acrobat file) explain how to use the ENERGY STAR mark. The ENERGY STAR name and mark are registered marks of EPA and may only be used in accordance with these guidelines. For more information, please visit: ENERGY STAR Tools and Resources (Several documents): The supporting documents below provide additional information to help in rating your buildings and applying for the ENERGY STAR. They can be found by selecting the Support Documents on Benchmarking link at
Technical Help and Resources Web Sites: Portfolio Manager Help: EPA Toll Free Hotline: STAR-YES ( ) Mike Langley (DGS):(916) Karen Herter (HMG):(916)