September 6 – 8, 2011 Welcome Assignment Get Science Notebook Write in your planner –Period 1 & 2 Due Sept. 7, Wednesday – Mass and Gravity Activity –Period 4, 5, & 6 Due Sept. 8, Thursday - Mass and Gravity Activity Volunteers to pass back graded work While you are waiting for your folder & papers: Write in your notebook… which object is the largest in our solar system, and what revolves around it?
Gravity and the Universe Composition – What things are made of? How do things in the universe move? –Force –Newton’s laws of motion Inertia Force = Mass x Acceleration For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction GRAVITY an attractive force between two objects
Major Concepts Define the following words: (page 16) –Force –Gravity –Law of Universal Gravitation –Mass –Weight –Inertia –Newton’s first law of motion Complete the following tasks: –Double bubble map Mass vs. Weight –Multi-flow map To answer how gravity is affected by mass and distance –Page 18 Analyzing Data –Page 19 Section 2 Assessment
Get Science Notebook and Glue stick –Paste in the two half sheets just like this… September 6 – 8, 2011 Welcome Assignment Mass and Gravity - Ball Activity Mass and Gravity Exploratorium
Mass and Gravity - Ball Activity Gravity – Brain PopBrain Pop Activity –Question: Does gravity act differently on different objects? –Objects: tennis ball and sheet of paper –Hypothesis: If two different objects are dropped at the same height, then the objects will…________________ fall at different speeds fall at same speed fall faster than the other fall slower than the other –Observations: –Conclusion: Why did the flat paper reach the floor after the ball? Why did the crumpled paper’s speed change? - Apply the concept: Describe what the universe would be like if there was no gravity. Tennis Ball vs. Flat Paper Tennis Ball vs. Crumpled Paper
Mass and Gravity x.htmlhttp:// x.html Input your weight on earth and compare your weight for each of the nine planets. (You may use 45Kg or 100 lbs if you prefer) What trends do you observe? –Put your numbers in order from largest to smallest –Do you notice a correlation between your numbers and the mass of the planets? What is the difference between “weight” and “mass”? If you are done early go to