Hans Frost Hans Lassen Søren Anker Pedersen EEA 6 March EURECA’s ‘Fish Behind the Net’ (FBtN) – Spotmeter
Basis for EURECA ‘Fish Behind the Net’ FBtN is restricted to EU waters and to ecosystem services affected by fisheries 1. Review the ecosystem services provided from the marine ecosystem: Identifying them 2. Restrict to waters the EU Seas (Black Sea, Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea): Based on existing well-founded knowledge Geographical and Conceptual system definition: 4. Restrict to services that can be quantified and preferably valuated: Restriction will be area specific 3. Restrict to services significantly affected by commercial fisheries: Restriction will be area specific
What is the EURECA ‘Fish Behind the Net’- Spotmeter? FBtN aims at providing relevant information to support the 2012 reform of the CFP 1.Assessing the selected ecosystem goods and services: Identifying and quantifying them 2. Analysing consequences of context changes: Quantifying and valuing the observed trends/changes 3. Exploring resilience / sustainability issues 4. Exploring management measures to address the observed and future trends/changes Key issues of concern and stressors with regards Exploiting the marine environment based on the following ‘building blocks’:
EURECA’s ‘Fish Behind the Net’ (FBtN) – Spotmeter Spotmeter Indicators Status and trend assessment, based on existing indicators. Where possible, relative to established management targets or thresholds in relevant EU policies
EURECA’s ‘Fish Behind the Net’ (FBtN) – Relevant Services Indicators Food provision can be quantified and valuated Regional policies Biodiversity Difficult to valuate Food Provision Regional population structures – Cultural Icon species Healthy marine ecosystems: Biodiversity Sensitive to invasive species
EURECA’s ‘Fish Behind the Net’ (FBtN) – Spotmeter Fisheries effects/impacts on marine ecosystem services at regional level Baltic Sea NE-Atlantic Mediterranean Black Seas and at the full European level. European Lifestyles and Marine Ecosystems (ELME)
Food provisioning Healthy ecosystem: The ‘fishing down’ effect is strong and everywhere. Pauly, 2002
Cod egg survey 2004 (Fox et al., 2008) EURECA’s ‘Fish Behind the Net’ (FBtN) – Spotmeter Example: Survey of North Sea cod spawning grounds
NATURA 2000-protected habitats and species in the North Sea- and Baltic Sea according to Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Directive (FFH-Directive) and the Bird Directive (BD) Benthic communities in FFH - Habitats FFH-HabitatsSandbank, Reefs FFH-Annex II Marine Mammals Harbour porpoise, Harbour Seal, Grey Seal BD Annex I and migratory bird species Red-throated Diver, Black- throated Diver, Terns, Common Scoter, Long-tailed duck, etc. FFH-Annex II Fish Species Shad, Twaite Shad, Hounting, River Lamprey, Sea Lamprey, Sturgeon
North Sea: 1.– SCI Doggerbank; 2. – SCI SyltOuter Reef; 3. – SCI BorkumReef Ground; 4. – SPA Eastern German Bight Baltic Sea: 1.– SCI FehmarnBelt; 2. –SCI KadetTrench; 3. – SCI Western Rønne Bank; 4. – SCI Adler Ground; 5. – SCI Pomeranian Bay with Odra Bank; 6. – SPA Pomeranian Bay The EMPAS project: Natura 2000 sites North Sea Baltic Sea 3 4
FBtN – Spotmeter developing and testing Impact from fishing on ecosystem services Impact assessment: Stock assessment Gear types Fleets -Overfishing - Distribution - Population structure - Smaller fish Eco-effects of fishing - By-catch - Genetic effects - Habitats effects - Food web -Other effects ”Indicator species” for GES? BB 1: BB 2: Analysing conseq.: Value of cod Value of other services: - Recreational value - Lost of cultur/social v. - Turisme - Consumer behaviour - others Value of Eco-effects: - Change in food webs - Value of other species - Value of food species - Value of by-catch Policy objectives - and trade-offs? Resilienece: Target stocks: - Pollution - Climate change - Invasive species - Other changes Ecosystems: - Pollution - Climate change - Invasive species - Other changes BB 3: Measures: Reduce effort Change gear Natura2000 MPAs MSC Incentives ITQ Other measures BB 4: Overfishing (Low yield) Today GES (MSFD) MSY (CFP)
FBtN – Spotmeter developing and testing Impact from fishing on ecosystem services Impact assessment: Stock assessment Gear types Fleets -Overfishing - Distribution - Population structure - Smaller fish Eco-effects of fishing - By-catch - Genetic effects - Habitats effects - Food web -Other effects ”Indicator species” for GES? BB 1: BB 2: Analysing conseq.: Value of cod Value of other services: - Recreational value - Lost of cultur/social v. - Turisme - Consumer behaviour - others Value of Eco-effects: - Change in food webs - Value of other species - Value of food species - Value of by-catch Policy objectives - and trade-offs? Resilienece: Target stocks: - Pollution - Climate change - Invasive species - Other changes Ecosystems: - Pollution - Climate change - Invasive species - Other changes BB 3: Measures: Reduce effort Change gear Natura2000 MPAs MSC Incentives ITQ Other measures BB 4: Overfishing (Low yield) Today GES (MSFD) MSY (CFP)
FBtN – Spotmeter developing and testing Impact from fishing on ecosystem services Impact assessment: Stock assessment Gear types Fleets -Overfishing - Distribution - Population structure - Smaller fish Eco-effects of fishing - By-catch - Genetic effects - Habitats effects - Food web - Other effects ”Indicator species” for GES? BB 1: BB 2: Analysing conseq.: Value of cod Value of other services: - Recreational value - Lost of cultur/social v. - Turisme - Consumer behaviour - others Value of Eco-effects: - Change in food webs - Value of other species - Value of food species - Value of by-catch Policy objectives - and trade-offs? Resilienece: Target stocks: - Pollution - Climate change - Invasive species - Other changes Ecosystems: - Pollution - Climate change - Invasive species - Other changes BB 3: Measures: Reduce effort Change gear Natura2000 MPAs MSC Incentives ITQ Other measures BB 4: Overfishing (Low yield) Today GES (MSFD) MSY (CFP)
The type of assessment model we work with in fisheries Valuation of Ecosystem Services
Benchmarks for fisheries management
Demand (prices) To handle Difficult towards impossible The marine system
EURECA’s ‘Fish Behind the Net’ (FBtN) – Spotmeter “ Thank You ”