Protection, Support & Locomotion Systems Ch 34 Guide & Intro to Coordination Systems
COORDINATION SYSTEMS Systems that Physically and Chemically coordinate the body: SKIN SUPPORT MUSCULATURE Chemical: NERVOUS ENDOCRINE
SYSTEMS: Multiple organs working together to serve a body function Tissues: cells working together to do a simple function Organs: tissues working together to do a complex function Cells: smallest basic units Respiratory system
Systems are made of: Organs, Tissues, Cells,& connective tissues Tissues include: a. Epithelial tissue b. Muscle tissue c. Connecting tissue 1) Cartilage 2) Tendons 3) Ligaments Smoker’s Lung Tissue
The Skin: 1. Structure………. a. Epidermis made of epithelial cells b. Dermis with sweat glands hair follicles oil glands capillaries nerve cells
A. The Skin..……….. the largest organ in the body 2. Function: protection temperature control sensory integrity of the body secretions from glands produces Vitamin D
Support Systems may be: Exoskeleton: Endoskeleton: Internal set of bones Hard outer covering
Exoskeletons Hard outer covering made of chitin or shell examples: lobster, snail, squid Does the starfish have and exoskeleton ?
No !.. An Endoskeleton: Made of 1). cartilage or 2). bone Covered by muscles skin Examples: starfish, shark, mammals.
B1. Human Endoskeleton made of Axial: skull, backbone, ribs, sternum Appendicular: arms, legs, shoulders, hips,wrists, ankles Boo !
Endoskeletons also have……. 1c. Ligaments that hold bone to bone 1d. Tendons that hold muscle to bone, “muscle tenders” 1e. Joints where 2 bones come together
Types of Joints
Joint Damage: Arthritis
B2. Bone Formation:
Bone Deformation: Lack of Vitamin D “Bow-legged”
B3. The Support System Functions: Protection of organs Movement Stores calcium & potassium Produces RBC (marrow) Supports
C1.Three types of Muscle: A. Smooth: involuntary control of internal organs for digestion, & blood vessels B. Cardiac: involuntary control of the heart C. Skeletal: Voluntary control of the skeletal muscles for movement
The Musculature System…….. 2. Structure: Voluntary Muscles Striated-Skeletal Involuntary Muscles Cardiac- Heart Smooth-Stomach Striated Skeletal Several nuclei Box shaped, many mitochondria
Cardiac Muscle: Fewer Striations Fewer Mitochondria Large nuclei Lattice work of spaces between some cells Still square shape One nuclei per cell
Smooth Muscle: Eye shaped One nuclei per cell No lattice work No striations Long & drawn out Fewer Mitochondria
How Do Muscles Contract? Muscle bundles work in opposite pairs: Contracting & Relaxing (biceps & triceps in the arms)
4a. Sliding Filament Theory of MuscleContraction: Relaxed Muscle Muscles are made of Bundles Of fibers with Smaller subunits of myofibrils Myofibrils are made of Actin & Myosin chemcials require ATP energy To slide past each other Actin Myosin Contracted Muscle
C6. Musculature System Function: Movement Stores Protein Maintains Body Shape