APPLY SOCIAL-NETWORK-SERVICE (SNS) FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTING A KMS IN VIETNAMESE SME Prepared by :Pham Quoc Trung Supervised by :Prof. Yoshinori Hara Prof. Hideki Fujii Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University Japan
2 Outline of the research Introduction Research objectives and processes Definitions (KM, KMS, SNS, SME, LP) Main contents Measuring the Information Communication Technology (ICT) maturity of small and medium enterprise (SME) Knowledge Management (KM) approach for improving Labor Productivity (LP) of Vietnamese enterprises KM strategy based on social network service (SNS) Integrated framework for KMS based on SNS Conclusion & future works
3 1.Introduction 1 Vietnam is in transition from planned economy to market oriented economy. Currently, labor productivity of Vietnam is very low. Vietnamese SME increasingly becomes the majority (95%) & significant force for stimulating the economic development. =>Demand for improving labor productivity (LP) of Vietnamese SME to sustain the economic development of Vietnam. (a ) (b)(b)
4 1.Introduction 2 In today's knowledge society, knowledge management (KM) becomes the best strategy for improving labor productivity (LP) of any enterprise. Recently, social network service (SNS) is increasingly considered a potential technology for implementing KMS and reforming business environment. =>Chance for applying KM&SNS to improve LP of Vietnamese SME Approach for improving LP of Vietnamese SME will be Improving ICT maturity; Improving intangible assets by applying KMS based on SNS.
5 2.Research objectives & processes 1 Research objectives are summarized as follows: Obj. 1 - Exploring the current ICT maturity of Vietnamese SME. Obj. 2 - Exploring the impact of KM on LP of Vietnamese SME. Obj. 3 - Exploring ability of using SNS for KMS implementation. Obj. 4 - Suggesting an integrated framework for implementing a KMS based on SNS in Vietnamese SME. Papers have been published: Combination of 2 KM strategies by Web 2.0, KSEM, , Measuring the ICT maturity of SMEs, JKMP, 11 (1), KM for improving LP of Vietnamese enterprises,IJKM,7 (3),2011.
6 2.Research objectives & processes 2 Research methods: questionnaire, survey, interview, data collection & analysis, system analysis & design, etc. Research processes:
7 3.1.Def: Knowledge, KM and KMS Knowledge is high valued information, which is necessary for decision making and problem solving, able to be reused in various business contexts. Knowledge management (KM) is approach for managing people & organizing business environment, practices to identify, create, represent, and distribute knowledge throughout organization. Knowledge Management System (KMS) is the integration of technologies and mechanisms to support practices and processes of KM in organization.
8 3.2.Def: Web 2.0, SNS, LP and SME Web 2.0 is a class of techniques aiming to enhance innovation, information sharing, and collaboration. Web 2.0 has led to the development of social networking, video sharing, wiki, blog, etc. Social network service (SNS) is a representative of web 2.0, which focuses on building online communities. In this research, SNS and web 2.0 have similar meaning. Labor productivity (LP) is defined as output per unit of labor input (OECD). At macro level, LP can be measured as GDP per laborer, at micro level, LP can be measured as output per hour of labor. Small & medium enterprise (SME) refers to enterprise with less than 300 employees (Vietnamese Government).
9 6.1.KM strategy based on SNS This section aims to analyze following questions: How can SNS be used for facilitating KMS implementation? How does SNS help solve problems of previous KMS? This section is organized as follows: Problems of previous KM techniques & approaches Combination strategy for solving those problems Demo and evaluation
Problems of previous KMS Problems of previous techniques for KMS: Diversity data sources Difficulty for integration Problems of previous approaches for KMS: Inconvenience in knowledge accessibility Limitation of participant Disjunction of knowledge (tacit vs. explicit) Two main causes of those problems: (1) lack of platform for integration, and (2) separation of 2 KM strategies (Personalization vs. Codification). => Necessity of integration and combination for solving above problems and building KMS successfully.
Combination of 2 KM strategies A Combination of 2 main KM strategies (Codification & Personalization) can be supported by SNS platform, because: It supports knowledge search in knowledge base (explicit knowledge); It supports functions for collaboration & communication (tacit knowledge). Based on SNS, Nonaka's SECI cycle is also facilitated as in following figure: Codification Personalization Knowledge Base Communicating, collaborating tools Organizational Social Network socialization combination externalization Organizational explicit knowledge Organizational tacit knowledge internalization Individual tacit knowledge Individual explicit knowledge Learning process KMS based on web 2.0 Knowledge capture
Integrated framework for KMS based on SNS in Vietnamese SME This section focuses on following purposes: Case study of KMS implementation in Vietnamese SME Suggest guidelines for implementing a KMS based on SNS in Vietnamese SME. The main contents of this section are as follows: Difficulties in implementing a KMS in Vietnamese SME. Integrated framework for KMS based on SNS. Demo KMS based on SNS for BR&T, a Vietnamese SME.
13 Failure cases of KMS implementation in 3 Vietnamese SMEs are summarized as follows: Failure in developing stage (BR&T Ltd.) Failure in operating stage (Huflit Center, Lam Dong DST.) Two main reasons of above problems are: Lack of a common understanding of KMS; Lack of a suitable technology for KMS. Solution for those problems is an integrated framework including: Guidelines for conducting KMS project from previous results; Suggestion to use SNS as a platform for KMS implementation. 7.2.Difficulties in implementing a KMS in Vietnamese SME
14 Based on previous framework of Kim et al. (2006) and previous results, an integrated framework has been made. The structure of integrated framework: Initial, Analysis & Design (Strategy, Structure, Culture, Process), Implementing, & Operating. Main aspects of the integrated framework: Measure the ICT maturity and improving ICT maturity; Start a KMS project: using Combination KM strategy, Hypertext organization structure, adapt business processes, training, etc; Implement a KMS based on SNS platform; Re-measure the ICT maturity for refining the KMS. 7.3.Integrated framework for KMS based on SNS in Vietnamese SME
15 Project Layer Business Layer Social Network Layer 7.4.Demo KMS based on SNS
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