ActKM - Canberra, 14 October 2004 The Future of KM Ross Dawson CEO, Advanced Human Technologies Author, Living Networks and Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships
Where business is going...
The weightless economy Source: US DoC; Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
We’ve come a long way
We are immersed in connectivity Source: TeleGeography; NASDAQ
The first standard
Knowledge depreciates!
The emergence of the global brain
Shifting professional workflow
Business becomes transparent
Information and knowledge
Different domains Information-based Efficiency Automation Knowledge-based Solutions Human expertise
Carefully choose the frame you look through
Five frames for the future of knowledge management Social networks Collaboration Relevance Workflow Knowledge-based relationships
Making friends through friends
The network organisation Courtesy Patti Anklam,
View of a network = President = Operations = Product Line A = Small Accounts Functio n = Product Line B = Product Line C = HR/Finance = Large Accounts I frequently or very frequently receive information from this person that I need to do my job.
Roles in networks Peripheral Specialist Central Connector Boundary spanner Information broker
Data collection Qualitative - surveys Information and knowledge flows - frequency, type, means, trust, value/ usefulness, knowledge of resources etc. Quantitative - information flows , instant messaging, telephone, meetings etc.
Performing social network analysis Interview key staff to determine the issues and desired outcomes Identify the relevant network Survey network members to determine information and knowledge flows Use computer modeling tools to show critical aspects of the network Identify potential interventions Design and implement activities to enhance the network Follow up
Working together
Collaboration in action US Joint Strike Fighter US$200 billion project 80 companies 40,000 professionals All tightly networked with 90 software tools
The flow of knowledge work
Workflow learning
Advanced Distributed Learning
The reconfigurable organisation
Creating happy accidents
Sharing recommendations
Types of services Black-box : customer receives an outcome, but is left none the wiser Knowledge-based: customer is left more knowledgeable, able to make better decisions, with greater capabilities
Knowledge to the masses
Enhancing knowledge-based organisations 1. Start from strategy 2. Enhance the networks in and around your organisation 3. Implement flexible, collaborative workflow 4. Rethink strategy in a blurred world 5. Implement from the top down
Are you an energiser?
How to energise your network Have and communicate a compelling vision Seek and acknowledge quality contributions Make and fulfil commitments Be a connector!
Help create the future of KM!