But First, A day in the life of an Institutional Researcher :- An overview of the job, in one Act…
Definitions! (At least what I’ll be using for the presentation, we’ll be covering these in detail) Goals are ‘Big Picture’ statements that are generally not measurable Objectives are SMART Indicators are driven by the Objectives and are measurable They are signposts toward the objective. Note: Indicators may look like benchmarks. Benchmarks are driven by the Objectives and are measurable A Benchmark defines your starting point. Targets are what you want the next benchmark to show and are measurable. It should mirror the Benchmark in format.
Ready? Fire! Aim… Ready? Fire! Aim… Factoid: The first Aerial dogfight was conducted with blunderbusses…and balloons! All these planning elements have a sequence…
Where Am I Going? …Am I On Track? …Am I already there? …How close am I? …Are we there yet? Indicators: Periodic Check of buildings visible Start at Main Entrance – Admin on Left20 seconds – Pub on right30 seconds – Library Ahead, little to left32 seconds – Foss on right, Library on left40 seconds – …
Goal: Be Familiar with the Campus at SCC Possible Interpretations of the Goal I Know where all the buildings are. She Knows where all the candy is stashed He Knows where you can get coffee It Knows how to get into the cafeteria garbage
Objective: By Sept 5 th 2010, be able to Walk from main entrance to Automotive center, taking no more than 15 minutes. Goal: Be familiar with the campus at SCC. This is SMART! Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound Walk from main entrance to Automotive center, taking no more than 15 minutes. Evaluate progress after 5 minutes. Reevaluate every minute after that. This is SMARTER
Benchmark/Target The Benchmarks and Targets set the measures of success. We have a starting point, and a desired end point. Benchmark: Can see the Admin bldg. in front of me. Target: Can see the Auto center bldg. in front of me. Objective: Walk from main entrance to Automotive center, taking no more than 15 minutes..
Indicators Buildings visible. – Admin on left20 seconds – Pub on right40 seconds – Library ahead… – Foss on right, Library on left … By periodically checking : We don’t need to wait until we arrive to know we are going in the right direction. Am I on track? Am I already there? How Close am I? Objective: Walk from main entrance to Automotive center, taking no more than 15 minutes..
Objective: By Sept 1, 2015, a monkey can, in less than a month, type the entire works of Shakespeare. Benchmark: Current no. of monkeys that can type Shakespeare’s works: 0 Target: After 5 Yrs, no. of monkeys that can type Shakespeare’s works: 1 Goal: Literate Super Monkeys
Option1: Indicator = Benchmark format Indicator 1 – Yearly measure: No. of Monkeys that can type Shakespeare’s works Yr1 – 0 Yr2 – 0… Are we making progress? Are we on track? How do we know? Goal: Literate Super Monkeys
Option2: Indicator <> Benchmark format Indicator 1 – Yearly measure: No. of words Monkey can type in a day. Yr1 – 100 Yr2 – 200… Are we making progress? Are we on track? How do we know? Goal: Literate Super Monkeys
Game Time Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get me to scratch my nose. (No physical contact allowed.) Hint I will do what you tell me.
“Lettuce “Put it all together (Dang, I’m good!) Objective 1 – University Transfer Students Ensure that students who successfully complete an academic transfer program, will have the knowledge, skills and study habits to enter baccalaureate or professional programs, will be prepared to successfully attain their educational goals, and will compare favorably with students already in such programs. Objective 1 – University Transfer Students Ensure that students who successfully complete an academic transfer program, will have the knowledge, skills and study habits to enter baccalaureate or professional programs, will be prepared to successfully attain their educational goals, and will compare favorably with students already in such programs. Goal: Educational Attainment and Student Success Is the objective SMART? Can we make it SMART? Rewording – OK Need: Objective Benchmark Target Indicator Rewording – OK Need: Objective Benchmark Target Indicator
Objective 1 – University Transfer Students Ensure that students who successfully complete an academic transfer program, will have the knowledge, skills and study habits to enter baccalaureate, will be prepared to successfully attain their educational goals, and will compare favorably with students already in such programs. Objective 1 – University Transfer Students Ensure that students who successfully complete an academic transfer program, will have the knowledge, skills and study habits to enter baccalaureate, will be prepared to successfully attain their educational goals, and will compare favorably with students already in such programs. White Text may be revised. Make it SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound Benchmark(s) Target(s) Indicator(s) You only got one sheet/group so only one of you should be writing. Goal: Educational Attainment and Student Success
GOAL Objective 1 Objective x …. Benchmarks Indicators Targets Benchmarks Indicators Targets Back to the Nested Russian Dolls…
SBCTC/ NWCCU BOT PSET President CT4CT2CT3CT5CT1 Measurable * Benchmarks/Indicators CORE THEMES- The Mission ‘Goals’ CT1 Educational Attainment CT2 Program Excellence. CT3 Community Engagement CT4 Access, diversity CT5 Responsible Stewardship Mission: We are dedicated to serving the educational, workforce and cultural needs of our diverse community. Objectives* *=1-many for each level above Accreditation