WHI: SOL 4 a-f Buddhism
Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Prince in Nepal, lived inside a palace One day he traveled out, saw a sick man, a old man, a corpse, and an ascetic (severe self- discipline for religion) Discovered that suffering is a part of life
Four Noble Truths 1. All life is suffering, pain, and sorrow 2. The cause of suffering is non-virtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hatred and desire 3. The only cure for suffering is to overcome non- virtue 4. The way to overcome non-virtue is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path
Eightfold Path to Enlightenment 1. Right views 2. Right aspirations 3. Right speech 4. Right conduct 5. Right livelihood 6. Right effort 7. Right mindfulness 8. Right contemplation
Spread of Buddhism Asoka’s missionaries and their writings spread Buddhism from India to China and other parts of Asia. Two sects: groups Mahayana or Theravada Holy Books: Three Baskets of Wisdom Nirvana: ultimate goal of Buddhists, release from cycle of rebirth