Images of Hinduism
Brahma – The creator
Vishnu – The Preserver
Shiva – The Destroyer
Ganesh Rama and Sita (from the Ramayana)
Buddhism Began in northern India during the 6 th century B.C.E. The founder, Siddhartha Gautama, was a Kshatriya prince, born in 566 B.C.E. Buddha means “enlightened one” Buddhism rejected some of the fundamental principles of Hinduism, including the caste system and power of the priestly Brahmins.
The basic philosophy of Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths: 1. All people experience sorrow 2. Sorrow is caused by desire 3. Sorrow and suffering will end if desires are eliminated 4. Eliminate desires by following the Eightfold Path: -right views -right livelihood -right goals -right effort -right speech -right mindfulness (control thoughts) -right conduct -right contemplation (meditation)
The Birth of Siddhartha Gautama Images of Buddhism
Where are these Buddha’s from???
The Spread of Buddhism 1. When did Buddhism begin? 2.When did Buddhism arrive in China? Sri Lanka? Korea? Japan? 3. How long did it take for Buddhism to spread to Japan?
The Mauryan Empire of India (321 B.C.E B.C.E.) Chandragupta Maurya was a military officer who came to power in 321 B.C.E. after defeating Greek invaders. Mauryan government borrowed political examples from both Persian and Greek models. He controlled a large empire by maintaining a strong army. He enforced harsh policies against dissenters and had a secret police force. He was a harsh but effective administrator.
Asoka was Chandragupta’s grandson. Became ruler in 274 B.C.E. He expanded the empire to cover 2/3 of the subcontinent. After building the empire, and witnessing the destruction caused by his wars, Asoka decided to renounce war and follow the teachings of the Buddha. Asoka sent missionaries to spread Buddhism throughout India and into other parts of Asia. He also built roads, hospitals, and veterinary clinics, and had the famous Rock Edicts created. The decline of the Mauryan Empire began after Asoka’s death in 232 B.C.E. After the Mauryan Empire fell, India again split into many small warring kingdoms. Asoka’s Enlightened Rule
The Gupta Empire of India (320 C.E C.E.) Began in 320 C.E. This period of Gupta rule is known as a golden age of Indian history. Buddhism declined and Hinduism became the official religion. Many Hindu temples were built during this period. Numerous advancements were made during the Gupta Dynasty: 1. principles of algebra 2. the concepts of zero and infinity 3. Arabic numerals 4. astronomers determined the earth is round 5. Gupta doctors set broken bones and perfomed basic operations Trade with other civilizations (including Rome and China) flourished during the Gupta period. By 600 C.E., due to a weakened government and invasions in the Northwest, the Gupta empire broke into small states.
Get Creative! Create one of the following about life in either the Maurya or Gupta empire: –Letter –Journal Entry –Newspaper Article –Song or Rap –Poem –Work of Art: Elaborate Drawing or Painting- Must include a paragraph description on the back. Should include information about government, economy, warfare, trade, social classes, and achievements in arts, literature and science. Due Monday