Noun Definition: a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work Sentence: When reading a text, making annotations, comments or notes directly on the text can be beneficial. ANNOTATION
Noun Definition: a state or scene of uproar and confusion Synonyms: commotion, pandemonium, chaos, anarchy Antonyms: peace and quiet, order, tranquility Sentence: After the San Francisco Giants won the World Series in 2014, bedlam broke out amongst team members and pandemonium ensued. BEDLAM
Adjective and Noun Definition: (adj.) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded; (n.) a sheltered place, a hiding place Synonyms: (adj.) undercover, clandestine, sub-rosa Antonyms: (adj.) open, overt, undisguised Sentence: In the television show “Covert Affairs,” Annie Walker is a CIA agent who often must hide her identify and disguise her real mission to protect national security. COVERT
Adjective Definition: pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance Synonyms: carefree, jaunty, gracious, suave, urbane Antonyms: distraught, agitated, boorish Sentence: Prince William’s appearance is always smooth and polished as he looks debonair dressed in his morning suit. DEBONAIR
Adjective Definition: accidental, occurring by a happy chance Synonyms: unintentional, unplanned, random, lucky Antonyms: intentional, deliberate premeditated Sentence: Due to the fortuitous drop in oil prices many families will be lucky enough to travel this holiday season. FORTUITOUS
Noun Definition: the essential part, main point, or essence Synonyms: substance, core, nucleus Sentence: When reading a newspaper article it is important to get the gist of the information because understanding the main point improves reading comprehension skills. GIST
Adjective Definition: overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling Synonyms: domineering, magisterial, urgent, imperative Antonyms: fawning, obsequious, humble, unassuming Sentence: The Wizard of Oz’s imperious manner masked the reality that he was simply an ordinary man hiding behind a curtain who tried to fool people with his overbearing and domineering personality. IMPERIOUS
Adjective or Noun Definition: (adj.) showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors; (n.) a jester’s costume; a jester Synonyms: (adj.) variegated, heterogeneous, diverse; (n) fool Antonyms: (adj.) homogenous, monochromatic Sentence: In the Middle Ages, court jester’s often wore motley, a costume composed of many different colors. MOTLEY
Verb Definition: to delay, put off until later Synonyms: stall, temporize, dillydally Sentence: We all want to procrastinate when a task is no fun, but some people make delaying the enviable a way of life and procrastination an art. PROCRASTINATE
Adjective Definition: tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire or appetite; irritating, annoying Synonyms: stimulating, arousing, vexing, galling Antonyms: dull, insipid, bland, unstimulating Sentence: Lady Gaga’s outfits are often very provocative producing strong feelings in her fans of either approval or dismay. PROVOCATIVE
Adjective Definition: characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place Synonyms: static, stationary Antonyms: active Sentence: Couch potatoes are characterized by their sedentary state, remaining in one place for long periods of time glued to the television. SEDENTARY