Monday – Hinduism and Buddhism (Section 2) Tuesday – First Empires (Section 3) Wednesday – Quiz/Contributions (Section 3) Thursday – Review Friday – Test (around points)
Section 1: The Land of India - India is a subcontinent - Dependent on the rivers - Indus River Valley civilizations - Aryans invade, take over, spread ideas - Caste system is instituted - Born into it, no way out - Dictates everything you do - Favored men over women
Use section 2 to answer the following in your notes: - In Hinduism, one universal spirit is called ____ - In Hinduism, the consequences of how a person lives is called ____ - In Tibet, the Buddhist leader who led government was called the ____ - When religious leaders head a government, it is called a ____ - ____ was founded by Siddhartha Gautama
- The idea of passing through many lives to reach the Brahman is called ____ - ____ is the third largest religion in the world today - ____, the divine law of Hinduism, requires people to perform the duties of their caste - The Buddha taught that if people gave up all desires, they would reach ____
I. Hinduism - The world’s third largest religion, is one of the world’s oldest - Roots are in the Aryan religion; began borrowing ideas from others - The Brahman is the universal spirit made up of thousands of gods and goddesses - The Upanishads describe how a person unites with the Brahman
- Reincarnation – passing through many lives to reach the Brahman - Dharma is the divine law; perform your duties - Karma is the consequences of how a person lives
II. Buddhism - Founded by Siddhartha Guatama, became the Buddha, or “Enlightened One” - Nirvana occurs when one gives up all desires - The core of Buddha’s teaching is the Four Noble Truths - The Eightfold Path is the steps to eliminate suffering
- Theravada Buddhists believe the Buddha was a great teacher, not a god - Mahayana Buddhists believe the Buddha was a god who came to save people
- In Tibet, Mahayana Buddhism mixed with Tibetan religion and Hinduism - Religious leaders called lamas headed the government - Dalai Lama – government leader - Panchen Lama – religious leader
- Identify 4 major beliefs of Buddhism - What is the importance of the Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path? - How do the two branches of Buddhism relate and how do they differ?