Ruled from Main leaders Tang Taizong- began Tang dynasty and expanded into North and West Wu Zhao- led campaign into Korea, only official female emperor of China
Restored bureaucracy Larger upper class emerged, called “gentry” Poetry- Li Bo and Tu Fu Regained control over Silk Road Improved the Grand Canal (which had lost the Sui Dynasty support) and roads Promoted foreign trade and agricultural improvements (terrace farming)
HEAVY taxes- remember the mandate of heaven? Defeated by Muslim armies in 751- lost land Loss of Central Asia caused general decline Last two emperors murdered in 904 and 907
Lasted from Main leader: Song Taizu Reunited China after warlords split China up into ten separate kingdoms following Tang Dynasty
Had at least 10 cities with population over 1 million Imported new variety of rice from Vietnam Became very successful traders- result was many foreigners living in Chinese cities Painting with Daoist influences became popular Carefully studied human anatomy and made models of the body Made advancements to math and algebra (negative numbers) Restored civil service exam’s popularity Spread Buddhism
Jurchens from Manchuria attacked and established the Jin Empire Forced Song Dynasty south
Had major military issues (nomads), but were a significant economic power Traded with nomads, Jin Dynasty, and people of the Middle East and Europe The end: Mongols Invade!!!
Porcelain Developed in China in late 700s Developed in Europe in 1708
- China- developed in Europe- introduced in 1176
Chinese: Block printing- 700s Movable type Europe- Block printing- 1400s; Movable type 1453
Chinese- 800s Europe- 1248
China- 960s Europe- 1660s
China: 1080s Europe: 1187