Comparing Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism Note taking skills
Objectives Understand what made the ancient Israelites’ belief system unique from others at the time. Outline the main events in the early history of the Israelites ( using text structure as a guide) Analyze the moral and ethical ideas of Judaism
Listening: The One God of Judaism What key point does God make in this selection? How is this idea different from the religions of other early cultures in the Fertile Crescent? What are monotheism and polytheism? That the Israelites should worship no other god but Him. Others worshiped multiple gods. Mono – one Poly - Many
Note Taking pgs 57-60 Using the note taking system on page 57 in the text read and take notes on pages 57-60 Be sure to to include the terms, people and places in those notes and be sure you can use the notes to complete the objectives
Using your notes What were the roles of Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon in Israelite history? How did Jews maintain their faith during the Diaspora? Abraham: Father of Israelites because established covenant with god Moses: renewed covenant and led Israelites out of bondage David and Solomon: Wise strong kings that built Israel into a strong kingdom
Section Questions What do many of the key terms and people have in common? How did the worship of only one god shape Judaism? Which events in the Torah reflect the Israelite’s belief that God had a plan for the people of Israel? At which points in its early history was Israel unified, divided, or ruled by outsiders? What types of laws does Judaism uphold? Only people to worship one God Belief that God had plan: God establishing a covenant with Abraham, renewing covenant with Moses, Moses leading people to Canaan “the promised land” unified under Solomon and David, divided for 200 years after Solomon’s death, and ruled by outsiders for about 300 years after that Religious and laws of conduct
Primary Source Psalm 23 List two lines from the song that reflect the writer’s sense that he is protected by God Why do you think the writer describes God as a shepard? What does the psalm say the Lord provides to the Israelites? What phrases are clues? Would you say this is a psalm of appreciation or criticism of God? What events might have led them to include “mine enemies” in this psalm? 3. comfort, peace – still waters, green pastures, food, preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies, protection, fear no evil thou art with me, dwell in the house of the lord
Hinduism and Buddhism Objectives Outline the essential beliefs of Hinduism Analyze how the caste system shaped India Understand the key teachings of the Buddha Explore how Buddhism grew and changed and spread beyond India
Listening: River Waters Bring Salvation What is the significance of the Ganges?
Notetaking Read pages 76 to 82 and use the note taking method on pg 76 Be sure to include the terms and people in your notes Be sure that you can answer the objectives using your notes
Using your notes What signifigance do the terms at the start of the chapter have? How were religion and society intertwined in ancient India? Explain the roles of karma, dharma and reincarnation in the process of reaching moksha. What aspects of the caste system relate to basic Hindu beliefs? According to Buddha how can people escape worldy suffering? What about Mahayna teachings do you think appealed to many people?
Primary Source Belief Systems Do you think there is at least one element that all belief systems have in common? If so what is it?