11.2 COMPLEX PATTERNS OF HUMAN INHERITANCE WHAT YOU WILL LEARN -Distinguish between various complex inheritance patterns -PREDICT/ANALYZE outcomes -How environment can influence a trait
READING Q’s 1-DESCRIBE: What effect sickle-cell anemia has on red blood cells -changes them to sickle or C-shaped.
2-EVAULUATE -What is the most common blood type? -O READING Q’s 2-EVAULUATE -What is the most common blood type? -O IAIA IAi IBIB IBi IAIB ii
3-EVALUATE -What allele is dominant of Cch -C READING Q’s 3-EVALUATE -What allele is dominant of Cch -C
READING Q’s 4-IDENTIFY -A person has 22 pairs of autosomes and 2 X chromosomes. What is the person’s gender? -FEMALE
READING Q’s 5-DRAW CONCLUSIONS -Why is a recessive sex-linked trait less likely to occur in females than in males? -males must inherit only one allele (AFFECTED X) to have trait
READING Q’s 6-PREDICT -Circle the genotype that represents a color-blind person -XbY
READING Q’s 7-LIST -An example of a polygenic trait. -skin color -height -eye color -fingerprint pattern
READING Q’s 8-EVALUATE -Circle the trait that shows the strongest genetic influence -blood types
GROUP WORK: APPLICATION NOTES -As a cooperative group complete the note sheet using your knowledge from the reading/discussion. HIGHLIGHT/MARK supporting info BOOK-302-310 -As a cooperative group complete the 11.2 VOCAB -ALL GROUP MEMBERS AGREE on SAME DEFINITION -may have DIFFERENT EXAMPLES [picture or words] 11.2 VOCAB
-Complex Inheritance traits are an EXCEPTION to Mendel’s research MAIN IDEA -Complex Inheritance traits are an EXCEPTION to Mendel’s research
VOCABULARY REVIEW: gamete -mature sex cell with half (haploid) # of chromosomes 1-any chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes AUTOSOMES 2-inheritance patterns-BOTH allele traits expressed in phenotype of hetero indv. CODOMINANCE 3- interaction of alleles with one allele masking effects of the other EPISTASIS 4-inheritance pattern-phenotype is a MIX of the 2 homozygous parent traits INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE
VOCABULARY MULTIPLE ALLELES POLYGENIC TRAIT SEX CHROMOSOMES 5-presence of more than 2 alleles for a genetic trait MULTIPLE ALLELES 6-inheritance pattern-trait controlled by 2 or more genes on same/different chromosomes POLYGENIC TRAIT 7- chromosomes determine the sex of an individual, carry sex-linked characteristics SEX CHROMOSOMES 8-traits controlled by genes located on sex chromosomes SEX-LINKED TRAITS
INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE ANALYZE: the ratios of offspring
CODOMINANCE DETERMINE: R=normal dominant R’=sickle cell recessive The correct coloumn for each phenotype x x x
COMDOMINANCE PREDICT: the results of two people who are heterozygous for sickle-cell anemia but lead normal lives have a child RR’ x RR 25% RR no alleles for disease 50% RR’ heterozygous/ lead normal lives 25% R’R’ homo recessive/ sickle cell disease
MULTIPLE ALLELES IDENTIFY: the blood group that results from each combination of genotypes
EPISTASIS,SEX DET,DOSAGE COMP,SEX LINKED, POLYGENIC ANALYZE: the role of each inheritance. Give example.
EPISTASIS,SEX DET,DOSAGE COMP,SEX LINKED, POLYGENIC REFER: to punnett square to answer questions: sex-linked DETERMINE: gender, color vision 1-Does the father have color-blindness? yes no 2-Does the father have a recessive allele? yes no 3-What gender is the child with color-blindness? male female x x x
ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IDENTIFY: Environmental influences that can affect phenotype
genetic environmental identical twins fraternal twins genetic TWIN STUDIES DESCRIBE: The use of twin studies in the study of genetics. Scientists use twin studies to distinguish between __________________ and __________________ influences on a trait. If a high percentage of ________________________ but not ________________________ express a trait, there is a strong chance that the trait is __________________. genetic environmental identical twins fraternal twins genetic