Powerpoint Shakespeare Cultural resource for busy executives
Hamlet – executive summary
1 Hamlet meets his fathers ghost
Hamlet – executive summary 2 Hamlet learns that his father was killed by his brother Claudius and Queen Gertrude.
Hamlet – executive summary 2 Claudius has quickly become king.
Hamlet – executive summary 3 This is rather upsetting
Hamlet – executive summary 4 The ghost demands revenge
Hamlet – executive summary 5 Hamlet agrees
Hamlet – executive summary 6 His friends swear to keep what they have seen a secret
Hamlet – executive summary 7 Meanwhile… the Kings advisor Polonius meets his daughter Ophelia. Hamlet has upset her.
Hamlet – executive summary 8 Hamlet is acting mad
Hamlet – executive summary 9 We learn that Fortinbras, King of Norway, has been persuaded to invade Poland instead of Denmark
Hamlet – executive summary 10 A troupe of players arrive Hamlet Play within play
Hamlet – executive summary 10 A troupe of players arrive Hamlet Play within play The murder of Gonzago
Hamlet – executive summary 11 Play contains lines which Hamlet writes to expose Claudius and Gertrude
Hamlet – executive summary 11 Play contains lines which Hamlet writes to expose Claudius and Gertrude
Hamlet – executive summary 12 Hamlet rages at his inability to kill Claudius
Hamlet – executive summary 13 Polonius accidentally killed by Hamlet
Hamlet – executive summary 14 Claudius wants Hamlet to go to England
Hamlet – executive summary 15 …where he will be executed
Hamlet – executive summary 16 Ophelia has been driven mad by fathers death and Hamlets rejection of her
Hamlet – executive summary 17 Laertes, Ophelias brother, swears revenge on Hamlet
Hamlet – executive summary 18 Hamlet returns to Danish court: Claudius suggests a duel between Laertes and Hamlet…
Hamlet – executive summary 19 …where the King will offer Hamlet a poisoned goblet
Hamlet – executive summary 20 Ophelia dies
Hamlet – executive summary 21 Hamlet muses on death at Yoricks grave
Hamlet – executive summary 22 Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are killed
Hamlet – executive summary 22 Queen accidentally poisons herself
Hamlet – executive summary 23 Both duellists wounded by poisoned sword: Laertes reveals plot and Hamlet kills king
Hamlet – executive summary 24 Laertes dies
Hamlet – executive summary 25 Fortinbras arrives from Norway and discovers the carnage
Hamlet – executive summary 25 Hamlet dies
What a piece of work is a man In reason In faculty In form and moving In action In apprehension
What a piece of work is a man In reasonnoble In faculty In form and moving In action In apprehension
What a piece of work is a man In reasonnoble In facultyinfinite In form and moving In action In apprehension
What a piece of work is a man In reasonnoble In facultyinfinite In form and moving express, admirable In action In apprehension
What a piece of work is a man In reasonnoble In facultyinfinite In form and moving express, admirable In actionlike angel In apprehension
What a piece of work is a man In reasonnoble In facultyinfinite In form and moving express, admirable In actionlike angel In apprehensionlike a god
What a piece of work is a man In reasonnoble In facultyinfinite In form and moving express, admirable In actionlike angel In apprehensionlike a god
What a piece of work is a man In reasonnoble In facultyinfinite In form and moving express, admirable In actionlike angel In apprehensionlike a god What is this quintessence of dust?
Man delights not me
No, nor woman neither
Is something rotten in the state of Denmark?
SWOT analysis
Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? SWOT analysis Strengths Quick smooth royal succession Bright young prince
Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? SWOT analysis Weaknesses Bright young prince is mentally unstable Foolish royal advisers Ambitious Fortinbras on border with army Clumsiness with poisoned objects Polonius has neglected swimming lessons
Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? SWOT analysis Opportunities Plenty of opportunities to kill king Claudius Lots of business for undertakers Ditto for poison makers
Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? SWOT analysis Threats Fortinbras Tendency of Danish aristocracy to suicide Sins will bring nemesis and slaughter upon royal household
clever sane stupid mad Ophelia Gertrude Polonius Horatio Rosencranz, Guilderstern
clever sane stupid mad Ophelia Gertrude Polonius Horatio Rosencranz, Guilderstern Hamlet?
clever sane stupid mad Ophelia Gertrude Polonius Horatio Rosencranz, Guilderstern Hamlet?
clever sane stupid mad Ophelia Gertrude Polonius Horatio Rosencranz, Guilderstern Hamlet?
clever sane stupid mad Ophelia Gertrude Polonius Horatio Rosencranz, Guilderstern Hamlet?
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