Natural Resources Canada Slide 1 11-Oct-15 A National Program to develop the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI)...Canada’s geographic information on the Internet
Natural Resources Canada Slide 2 11-Oct-15GeoConnections... GeoConnections is a National Program to develop: the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) -- delivering Canada’s geographic information on the Internet.
Natural Resources Canada Slide 3 11-Oct-15 Five key thrusts 1. client centered access to government information, 2. which is built on a common national framework 3. using international standards, 4. collected by agencies in cost-efficient partnerships, and 5. provided seamlessly to users within a co- ordinated supportive policy environment
Natural Resources Canada Slide 4 11-Oct-15 Seven GeoConnections programs National Access -- building common access window National Framework -- standard geographic foundation to enable applications and value-added GeoPartners -- Secretariat to support national partnerships GeoInnovations -- industrial technology development through partnerships National Atlas -- national entry point for perspectives on data themes and issues Sustainable Communities -- community-driven and focused pilot applications Skills Network -- development of knowledge workers
Natural Resources Canada Slide 5 11-Oct-15 CGDI Partnerships ‘Way of operating’ as much as policy thrust open consultations data sharing and collaboration federal-provincial-territorial agencies have adopted a Statement of Principles on partnerships –gather data in partnerships –only once, closest to source –share and use many times
Natural Resources Canada Slide 6 11-Oct-15 CGDI Policy Environment Seamless distribution and use of government geographic information easing policy issues government viewing itself from its clients’ perspective, and developing access: –from any department –from any level of government –with simpler, common sales and licensing agreements
Natural Resources Canada Slide 7 11-Oct-15 Shared leadership Open and consultative consortium approach to decision making –federal, provincial, territorial agencies –private sector and academia collective leadership among the participants responds to the need find new ways to manage horizontal issues recognizes multi-participants and activities across different user communities
Natural Resources Canada Slide 8 11-Oct-15 Organizational structure Mgmt Board GeoConnections Secretariat Geo-Partners GeoInnovations Sustainable Communities National Atlas of Canada Geomatics Skills Network Program Advisory Network NRCanMinister 17 members chaired by NRCan 5 federal depts 5 provinces 1 municipal 3 industry 2 academic 1 aboriginal community Application Areas 1. Sustainable Development - Environment 2. Resource Management 3. Transportation/Road Applications 4. Emergency/Disaster Response 5. Marine Technology Advisory Panel Federal Provincial/territorial Industry Academia NGOs Policy Standards Access - GeoExpress Framework Data Program Advisory Network
Natural Resources Canada Slide 9 11-Oct-15 Support in the Federal Budget Allocated $60 million over 5 years –key part of knowledge and innovation strategy –links with ‘Connecting Canadians’ to disseminate knowledge National resource for economic and social goals –driven by applications: emergencies-- 911, disaster response, resource management, transportation, communities, and many others Based on matching investments by partners Majority of work contracted to private sector –firms and expertise developed across Canada
Natural Resources Canada Slide Oct-15 Infrastructure Characteristics Loose federation of external heterogeneous suppliers coupled through open, common services. Provides discovery, evaluation and access to: data collection metadata; distributed individual product listings; data order and access; interactive services. Different levels of ‘buy-in’ representing different benefits and costs to suppliers. Public interfaces to common infrastructure services made available to any supplier or developer to provide multiple, custom views.
Natural Resources Canada Slide Oct-15 Open Scaleable Infrastructure Other National SDI Provincial / Subject SDI CEONet US FGDC Clearinghouse International Directory Network NASA EOSDIS Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure … Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Land Information Ontario LandDataBC Marine Geospatial Data Infrastructure Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Network etc...
Natural Resources Canada Slide Oct-15 Current Access Components Supplier Toolkits Other Spatial Data Infrastructures Reusable Components Distributed Search Database A Database B … Supplier Consumer Application WebAPI Reusable Components Distributed Search Updates Distributed Search Web Consumer Distributed Search …... Directory Suppliers ProductsServices...
Natural Resources Canada Slide Oct-15 Content and Usage Organisations registered in the directory Data collections described in the directory online search connections to remote, distributed databases/inventories. 13,000 user sessions per month.