List #6 1. creed n.: statement of belief or principles. Example: Murphy the monkeys creed for life was Relax and enjoy each day. 2. oasis n.: place or thing offering relief. Example: Murphys guitar offered him an oasis from the stress of life. 3.exalted v.: lifted up. Example: Murphy found that music really exalted his spirits. 4.discords n.: conflicts. Example: While playing music Murphy forgot all of the discords in the monkey community.
5.prodigious adj.: huge; amazing. Example: Murphys parents had a prodigious bed that he enjoyed jumping on. 6.acute adj.: sharp. Example: One day Murphy jumped too long and developed an acute pain in his side. 7.vexed v.: disturbed. Example: Murphy was so vexed by the persistent pain that he had to stop jumping on the bed for awhile.
8.sagacity n.: intelligence. Example: Although Murphy was best known for his fun-loving personality, he was most proud of his sagacity. 9.refrained v.: held back. Example: Murphy had an I.Q. of 200, but refrained from showing off his intellect in front of the other monkeys. 10.wary adj.: cautious. Example: Murphy was very wary of being thought of as a snob. 11.suavity n.: smooth manner. Example: Murphy preferred to display his suavity and out-going nature which he acquired as a child from his distinguished grandfather.
12.audacity n.: boldness. Example: Murphys audacity at gatherings made him a real standout to a girl named Mookie. 13.vehemently adv.: forcefully. Example: Mookie vehemently fought for Murphys attention. 14.gesticulations n.: energetic gestures. Example: She made flirtatious gesticulations when she was around Murphy. 15.derision n.: ridicule. Example: Murphy decided to hangout with Mookie despite his friends derision. They thought Mookie was too smart for him.