ICT 2010 Staff Meeting Number Two
The cluster goals 2010 All Principals and teachers in the cluster will have an online presence by end of Term 2. They will be able to demonstrate a sound understanding of Web 2.0 in supporting learning in the 21st century classroom and in the implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum/Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
Where are we so far? Infrastructure Computer suite has been upgraded Each class has one decent networked computer New Digital Video Camera has been purchasedDigital Video Camera Four new “Flip” video camcorders have been purchasedFlip Infrastructure review is underway
Professional Development Lead Teachers School Blogging session (Shona and Melissa) Additional information on cluster wiki Lead Teachers working with teams in Term 2
What’s new Ronald, Melissa and Matt? Ronald Comic Life Melissa Blogsites
Cluster Wiki Our Wiki
Where to from here… Lead teachers will begin work with your team Use some of the technology we have available: Flip Videos Video Camera Web 2.0 Tools