Vulnerable Young People Awareness Raising
Course Aims The aim of this course is to raise awareness about issues in relation to young people who may be at risk, so that staff and volunteers can act to protect them.
Course Outcomes Participants will: Recognise values in relation to young people Describe developmental issues in adolescence State procedures in relation to vulnerable young people Respond to concerns about young people
Timetable Fire alarm and exits Phones Housekeeping
Participation Join in! Ask questions Listen and don’t talk over each other Be respectful Confidentiality Line management Feelings Learning Agreement
Exercise 1 That’s Not Fair!
Adolescent brain development Frontal Lobe Planning Impulse control Reasoning Limbic System Emotions
Moderate Stress →Helps develop problem solving skills →Basis for developing life skills Prolonged or severe Stress →Leads to survival strategies →Unhealthy basis for future life
Vulnerable Children and Young People at Risk of Significant Harm Professional/Procedures_Publications/ Inter_agency+guidance/interagencyguidance.htm VYP Procedures
westofscotland/ Legal Framework
VYP or Child Protection?
Persistent running away Chaotic or serious substance misuse Serious self harm Persistent offending, placing self or others at risk Mental health issues or violent and abusive behaviour, placing self or others at risk Internet safety Risk Behaviours
Under 16 Under 18 if looked after or accommodated Under 18 if vulnerable and at risk of significant harm Under 21 if previously looked after and accommodated Age of ‘young person’
Welfare of young person is paramount Views of young person heard and taken into account Views of parent/carer considered Information sharing – sensitivity Core Principles
Concern raised Initial Assessment VYP Case Discussion Action plan Process
Glasgow Protocol for Working with Young People who are Sexually Active
No concern of abuse or exploitation No concern of abuse, but some concern about risky behaviour Heightened concern re sexual activity Definite concern about risk of significant harm but no immediate risk Definite concern about risk of significant harm and immediate risk
Exercise 2
Sharing a concern Discuss with your manager Phone allocated social worker/duty worker Complete and send shared referral form In an emergency Call the police Responding to concerns
It’s everyone’s job to make sure I’m alright Responding to concerns