6 th Meeting of the Network on Early Childhood Education and Care 7-8 December 2009, Paris Item 9: Draft Template for Updating the ECEC Database Kathrin Höckel Directorate for Education Education and Training Policy Division
The OECD Database on ECEC A one-stop-shop for data on ECECone-stop-shop Online and publicly available Simple and user-friendly Easy to update and extend Flexible to include a variety of data sources Presentation of ECEC data and meta-data Data on a particular indicator organised by topic A sheet with meta data including: A precise definition of the indicator Information on data sources and their quality Comparability issues and specific country information where relevant
Future data gathering exercise Minimising data collection effort Use of data already available through other OECD sources (including main OECD Database, OECD Family Database, ECEC Network questionnaires) Tight collaboration with DELSA (Child Well Being Module) Synergies between general data updating exercise and data collection for the new project on Quality in ECEC Remaining tasks for countries Pilot to test and refine the questionnaire One-off data updating and extension through questionnaire administered to all countries through the ECEC Network Future data gathering depends on ECEC Network mandate
List of topics for updating (I) Quantitative Funding Estimated costs of an ECEC programme (full-day; half-day) per child Private expenditure per child (expenses by parents, employer contributions) Ways of public spending (targeted/general, to individuals/providers, through which level of government) Provision and access Enrolment by type of institution (private, public, in primary schools etc.) Number of children on the waiting list Licensing requirements and regulatory frameworks for providers Minimum standards for provider facilities, minimum space per child ECEC staff (countries that already sent data are exempted) Staff-children ratio ECEC staff wage in comparison with minimum wage/with primary school teachers ECEC staff working hours, turnover rates
List of topics for updating (II) Qualitative Governance Main responsibility for policy development, funding, legislation, provision and quality control Integration (countries that already sent data are exempted) Data collection and research Monitoring mechanisms Evaluation of ECEC data and ECEC research centres Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum and pedagogy from age 3-6 and under 3 Recent developments in policy Outcomes Formal measurement (literacy and numeracy, school-readiness test etc.) Longitudinal data linking participation in ECEC with improved later learning outcomes
Timeline and next steps for implementation 8 January 2010 Country comments on data presentation and list of indicators to be updated Q Development of the questionnaire by the Secretariat and piloting Q Countries to send responses to the Secretariat Q Country responses to the questionnaire Q Country responses to the questionnaire Q3 – Q Evidence from country responses fed into database
Questions for discussion 1.Does the suggested timeline seem reasonable to you? 2.Which country would be interested in running a pilot and assisting in developing the questionnaire? 3.How should ECEC data gathering be handled in the future?