IMKE update KERG seminar
What’s going on with IMKE?
Curriculum Curriculum confirmed by TU senate in Dec 05 Next year’s courses determined before April
Campaign IMKE team contacting: Curriculum listing services Universities with relevant BA programs Student organizations Newsgroups Foreign relations office contacting: Embassies Education fairs
Web site content Arrowhead of the campaign! Design All relevant information collected Visibility maximized –Metadata keyword list, visible keywords –International abstracts
Website design How to characterize interactive media with a photo collage? Informatics header?
Tallinn Media Cluster More courses to offer More students to courses Common efforts in campaigning More attractive together Partners
Tallinn Media Cluster Logo competition winner: Meiedisain
Application procedure Two deadlines: 1.5. (for non-EU applicants) ?.6. regular TU deadline TU procedure –Taken care by the foreign relation s office IMKE-specific procedure –Form: questionnaire & essay –Interview in person or by SKYPE
Teacher’s day Regular staff + visiting teachers at some m6isa near Tallinn Topics Spirit of IMKE
Learning design Guidelines for learning design? –Explorability –Hands-on –??
Learning infrastructure IVA & joint knowledge building blog assignments e-portfolios -> KERG , Reelyka record lectures remote learning
Principles of delivery format
Methods of involving students in research Open source as the backbone -> KERG , Kaido Media project management (Peeter’s course)
Research projects involving students Large funded projects (iCamp, CALIBRATE etc.) -> KERG , Mart Student project umbrellas: Taggin’ Tallinn: –City as a learning environment = knowledge environment. –Hybrid knowledge-physical space –Virtual tags by GSM or GPS technology –Shared ontology -> KERG later?, Mauri
Student selection & application form How to recognize the wanted? How to facilitate the procedure? Form draft to be tested:Form draft –review the questions –register as a test user