By: Miss He EasterEasterEasterEaster Easter
Look and say March May October June December April September January November February month ( 月份 ) month ( 月份 )
Look and say holida y ( 节日 ) holida y ( 节日 ) Tree Planting Day Children‘s Day Mother’s Day New Year‘s Day China’s National Day Youth Day May Day Teachers’ Day
□ March Which month are they talking about? □ April □ September □ February April 4th sports meet
2 1 April Fool’s Day ( 愚人节 ) Easter ( 复活节 ) There are some special days in April. What are they?
5 复活节 2015 年 4月4月 April 1st When is April Fool’s Day? It’s on April 1st.
People often play jokes ( 开玩笑 ). 凤凰电视台 April Fool’s Day is from France ( 法国). People usually eat fish.
When is April Fool’s Day? It’s on April 1st. It’s on April 5th. When is Easter? 复活节 2016 年 3月3月 March 27th It’s on April 5th this year. 5 复活节 2015 年 4月4月 April 5th
egg bunny flower lily Children often roll eggs( 滚彩蛋 ). People often have a parade( 化妆游行 ). egg, bread, chocolate, lamb meat ( 羊羔肉 ) 复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日。 传说耶稣被钉死在十字架上,死后第三天复活。 It comes from Israel( 以色列 ).
Does Zhang Peng love April? … … April Fool’s Day ( 愚人节 ) Easter ( 复活节 ) Yes, he does.
Mr Jones: There are some special days in April. Zhang Peng: What are they? Mr Jones : April Fool’s Day and Easter. Zhang Peng: When is April Fool’s Day? Mr Jones: It’s on April 1st. Zhang Peng: And Easter? Mr Jones: It’s on April 5th this year. Zhang Peng: Wow! I love April ! Tips: Pay attention to the inotation, reduction and some stress words. (注意朗读时的语调,连读以及单词的重读。) ’ ’
Talk about the holidays with your partner. Children’s Day April Fool’s Day China’s National Day New Year’s Day January 1st April 1st June 1st October 1st B: It’s on …. A: When is … Day?
Talk about the special days in “May”. There are some special days in May. What are they? When is …? It’s on …. There are some special days in May. What are they? When is …? It’s on …. Task Pair work: 两人一组,用今天学过的句型对话。 Youth Day
Homework 1.Read the dialogue, try to imitate. (朗读对话,模仿人物的语音语调) 2. Share your favourite holiday with friends. (与朋友分享交流你最喜爱的节假日) 3. Make a holiday tabloid. (制作一张你喜爱的节日小报)
There are two special days in April. They are ____________and______. April Fool’s Day is on _________. Easter is on ________ this year. I love April ! April Fool’s Day April 1st April 5th Easter