Instrumental Music Is it authorized in the worship of the New Testament church?
John Wesley, the reputed founder of the Methodist church is quoted by Adam Clarke to have said, "I have no objection to instruments of music in our chapels, provided they are neither heard nor seen.“ (Clarke's Commentary, Vol. 14 p. 686)
John Calvin (founder of the Presbyterian church) "Musical instruments in celebrating praises to God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting of lamps, the restoration of the other shadows of the Law. The Papists, therefore have foolishly borrowed this, as well as many other things, from the Jews.“ (Calvin's Commentary on Psalm 33)
The first organs were introduced into the Roman Catholic Churches sometime between 600 and 700 AD and were opposed by leading reformers.
Melodeon introduced into the worship of the Midway, Kentucky church in 1859.
Not a "dead" issue Absence of is noticeable Most know WHAT we believe but not WHY we believe it
Attitudes of some Not important enough to be divided over – Some "churches of Christ" use it Ask why we don't use it? – Why do they use it? Say we are "narrow-minded" – So "narrow" would not sing if not authorized
Arguments in defense See no harm in it – Proverbs 14:12; Jeremiah 10:23 – Ex. of Uzzah (1 Chronicles 13) – Ex. of man of God (1 Kings 13) Where does Bible say "not to" – Matthew 7:21-23; 2 John 9
Arguments in defense Using a "God given" talent – What about other talents – Can this argument be reversed? No singing talent so I don't sing?
Arguments in defense Instruments in heaven – Rev. 5:8; 14:2 – Symbolic language – Rev. 1:1 "they sang…." – Rev. 5:9 "heard a voice…"; "they sang…" – Rev. 14:2,3
Arguments in defense Used in Old Testament – Col. 2:14; Matt. 5:17,18 – Would authorize animal sacrifices; burning incense, etc.
May not use for wrong reasons Can't afford Don't like it Causes division – Doesn't in some places
Attitude toward very important Will determine our attitude toward other things Really an attitude toward authority of God's word – Seen in continued apostasy of those who have accepted WHO will we follow?
What Must I Do To Be Saved? Hear the gospel (Romans 10:17) Believe Jesus is the Christ (John 20:31) Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30) Confess your faith (Matthew 10:32) Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) Be faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10)