Open House 2015 Grade 4 Mrs. Brunner Mrs. Flett Mrs. Madison Mrs. Schaefer
Math Program NYS Common Core Standards Based Curriculum Expressions Math Program Supported with Technology-based Instruction Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) modeled after the NYS test Part 1: Multiple Choice Part 2: Short Answer and Written Response
Components of Literacy Guided Reading: Weekly comprehension skills Strategy instruction to implement skills Differentiated instructional levels Small group application Shared Reading: Core novels, read-alouds NYS Modules Incorporates Science and Social Studies curriculum 20 Minute Nightly Reading Requirement
Components of Writing Modeled Instruction Use of picture books and various writing genres. Direct modeling “Write Start” Conferencing Peer conferencing Teacher conferencing Spelling Application of Word Study to our writing Additional Creative Writing Course
4th Grade Science Curriculum Science Living Environment Life Cycle/Life Span of Plants/Animals Water Cycle Food/Energy Chain Physical Setting Energy Matter/States of Matter Magnetism Health Nutrition/Diet Food Pyramid Healthy Food Choices Safety/Making Healthy Choices
4th Grade Social Studies Curriculum New York State New York State Geography History of New York State Native Americans Explorers Colonial America Revolutionary War Erie Canal State & Federal Government Lancaster History
4th Grade Social Studies Students experience Social Studies through: Reading non-fiction and historical fiction, related to the 4 th grade curriculum Textbooks and interactive materials Field Trips related to curriculum
Consultant Teacher Services Push –in Support * Smaller teacher-student ratio * Assist with organization * “Teachable moments” * Decrease confusion/frustration Pull-out Support * Certain students based on IEP/needs * Smaller class sizes in Reading/Math * Tests read in separate location * Remediation Mrs. Colleen Schaefer Aide Support: Mrs. Linda Witt Mrs. Kristen Frandsen Rm. D225
Code of Conduct Weekly Summary/Reports Sent home on Friday Schedule and reminders for the following week Reflection/Behavior for the current week. To be signed and returned on the following school day. Behavior Students are expected to follow the Code of Conduct as outlined in the WSS handbook. Please read, sign, and return to school by Friday.
Loose Ends Homework: Expected to be turned in on the day that they are due. (Note in agenda for extenuating circumstances) Read 20 Math fact tests taken daily. HW is factored into the grade for each subject area. Agendas to be signed nightly Team Website: Study tools and review materials Link to Parent Portal Birthdays and Classroom Celebrations No prior notice is necessary for birthday treats Sign-ups for parties on tables
Thank you for coming!