For a European Industrial Renaissance
Industry important for growth and jobs Industry accounts for: 80% of EU exports 80% of innovation ¼ of jobs in the private sector 1 job created in industry triggers from 1 to 2 jobs in services
20% of GDP from Industry by 2020 This target is key for growth and jobs, in line with the Europe 2020 strategy Eu policies and ambitious climate targets will be consistent with the reindustrialisation objective Commisson's engagment is to mainstream industrial competitiveness
Priorities of Commission response 1.EU resources to boost industrial innovation 2.A more business friendly environment 3.Easier access to finance 4.Energy and raw materials at affordable prices 5.Maximise potential of internal market 6.Internationalise 7.Education to match market demand
More EU funds for reindustrialisation € 2.3 billion COSME to support entrepreneurship > €100 billion of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) available for regions to finance investments in innovation and industrial competitiveness €80 billion of the Horizon 2020 available for financing the commercialisation of research
Key sectors for a modern and sustainable industry Advanced manifacturing KETs Bioeconomy Smart grids Clean vehicles Eco constructions and raw materials
A more business friendly environment Updated Small Business Act (to start up a company 3 days, 100 euros, 1 month to get the licence) Growth-friendly public administration Regulatory fitness and performance programme Cumulative cost assessments
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