Do Now: What role should the US play in foreign affairs? Objectives: Examine and evaluate US actions in Panama
Theodore Roosevelt: International Diplomacy
1850 Clayton—Bulwer Treaty Treaty between Great Britain and US to assure one another that, if a canal were to be built, it would be a joint endeavor. Sec. of State Clayton
The French Give it a Go 1879 Ferdinand Lesseps 25 year deal with Colombia for strip of land across Panama 8 years later construction halts Disease Debt and corruption Offered US Rights to build for 40 million Obstacles existed
Roosevelt and Mahan Oregon takes two months to sail the 14,000-mile journey to Cuba from California
Isthmian Canal Commission Commission established to discuss the feasibility of: Canal across Panama Canal across Nicaragua
Proponents of a Panama canal route emphasized the threat of active volcanoes and earthquakes in Nicaragua, neither of which plagued Panama.
1901 Hay—Pauncefote Treaty Repealed the Clayton Bulwer Treaty The U.S. was authorized to construct and manage a Central American canal The U.S. was to guarantee the neutrality of the canal and was authorized to fortify the area, if necessary The canal was to be open to all nations; rates were to be fair and equal Sec. of State John Hay
A Sketchy Deal Colombia refused America’s offers US supports an uprising of the Panamanians (a Colombian territory) and blockades Colombian military preventing them from ending the revolt. Panama gains independence and America signs the Hay- Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903) which gives US complete control of the 10 mile wide strip of land across Panama for 10 Million + 250,000 per year
Construction of Canal 1898 Culebra Cut
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Here is how the Panama Canal works Image Courtesy of:
Here is how the Panama Canal works Photo Courtesy of:
Here is one of the maps used when making the canal Photos Courtesy of
How Did the Americans Control the Mosquitoes? Spraying oil on water to prevent mosquitoes Putting up screens and cutting grass also helped
Yellow Fever Quarantine
Fumigation Car
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Here are the giant locks Courtesy of:
Here are the giant locks being built Photo from the Canal Zone Brats
Here are the giant locks being built Photos Courtesy of
The building of the canal Photo courtesy of:
The building of the canal Photo courtesy of:
1914 The Canal Opens Image Courtesy of:
Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine “Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick”=Big Stick Diplomacy The United States reserves the right to intervene militarily in Latin American affairs