Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency - The Regional Approach - Dr. Martin Hoppe-Kilpper deENet | Competence Network Distributed Energy Technologies.


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Presentation transcript:

Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency - The Regional Approach - Dr. Martin Hoppe-Kilpper deENet | Competence Network Distributed Energy Technologies

 Founded in 2003 by regional Industry and University as an association (e.V.)  Today deENet has more than 110 members (Companies, University Departments, Research Institutes, Associations etc.)  Fields of competence: distributed generation, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency  Main objectives is regional value creation: common R&D activities, joint initiatives to open new markets, development of demonstration and pilot projects etc.  Financed by membership-fees and services (mainly R&D projects)  18 employees in the main office Facts & Figures deENet – who we are

Cooperation of member companies along the complete Value Creation Chain more than 110 Members Research & Development Planning & Conception ProductionOperation Education deENet – who we are

Climate and energy targets of the European Union Until 2020:  cutting greenhouse gases by 20% of 1990 levels (fewer emission allowances)  increasing share of Renewables to 20% of total consumption (national binding targets: from 10% for Malta to 49% for Sweden, Germany 18%)  cutting Energy consumption by 20% (improving Energy Efficiency) German climacy policy: outlines and routing scenario

Germany´s climate and energy policy Selected legal acts to lower carbon emissions and to promote Renewable Energy Sources signing of a commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 25% until 2005 Renewable Energy Sources Act binding feed- in-tariffs and obligation for grid connection Energy Saving Act – binding efficiency measures for new buildings Biofuel Act – binding minimum admixture share of biofuels for motor vehicles National Initiative for Climate Protection – including diverse funding programmes for citizens, enterprises and municipalities German climacy policy: outlines and routing scenario

Essential elements:  Reduction of conventional energy sources by 51%  Expansion of RES to 49%  Reduction of energy consumption by 45% The implementation will develop completely new structures of energy supply Nitsch, u.a Routing Scenario 2006 Development of Total Primary Energy Supply in Germany German climacy policy: outlines and routing scenario Geothermal Solar Wind Biomass Natural gas Fossil fuel Coal Brown coal Nuclear

7 New energy efficiency technologies must be made available and have to be widely applied in industry From 2005 until 2020 an increase of 3 % per year in energy efficiency is required. According to the historical development - 1 % per year - this objective seems to be quite ambitious. Prognos, EWI, 2007 Increasing Energy Productivity in Industry: 100 % until 2020 (Basis 1990) German climacy policy: outlines and routing scenario

Requirements:  An increase of energy efficiency requires technological progress as well as completely new user’s behaviour  A massive expansion of RES requires maximum utilisation also of regional RES potentials  Both requirements are supported by regional supply structures What is meant by regional supply structures, what kind of advantages do they offer and how can they be supported purposefully? New Structures of Energy Supply: Close Cooperation of RES and Energy Efficiency Regions and Decentralization

General Lay-out of Future Supply Structure Climatic Zone 2 Offshore wind farm regulation and management Climatic Zone 1 master dispatch of transmission system regulation and management hydropower wind farm regional network control unit regulation and management offshore wind farm generation consumption (storage) regional accounting grid l generation consumption (storage) regional accounting grid l controllable power plant thermal - Energy line - Communication line Regions and Decentralization

RegionMunicipalitySettlementBuilding Regions and Decentralization

Region 1 Last Time Energy Flow (15-min-intervall) Region 2 Transmission Network - Load Prod. + Time Load Prod. Regional Supply Structures Regions and Decentralization

Regional Energy Supply as an Economical Pillar for Regions:  An all-embracing approach allows the formation of new industrial complexes / clusters  New structures of supply will be the economical and social motor for regions! Effects on…  Work and employment  Research and development  Construction and habitation  Tourism  For this reason the regional energy policy is the centre zone of business development  Education and qualification  Finance  City marketing Regions and Decentralization

Creation of new Jobs in Regions  Preferably wide value creation chains in the region R&D, purchase (raw materials), production (trade), sales etc.  Application of RES / energy rehabilitation of buildings etc. in the region - small trade firms  Participation of the sector in booming global markets for decentralized energy technology –technology firms  Utilisation of the regional raw material base (wood, biomass etc.) – agricultural sector  Successful marketing of regional generated products on regional markets – strengthen regional cycles  Close networking and regular exchange, realization of synergy effects – formation of clusters Regions and Decentralization

Profile of the region  around 1 million inhabitants  former residential city Kassel as main city  long lasting engineering tradition (locomotives e.g.)  fast growing university at Kassel Nothern Hesse – a model region

Development of a „Roadmap 2020“ for Northern Hesse Methodology:  External Environment Analysis  Trend Scenarios  Interviews  Best Practise Examples  Workshops Main Objective:  Creation of new jobs (2020)  100% regional / decentralized electricity generation (2035)  Innovation leadership for decentralized energy supply and energy efficiency Nothern Hesse – a model region

Source: Study „Nordhessen 2020“ IndustryRegional Application “low effort”“focused effort”“maximum effort” Job growth scenarios for Northern Hesse for 2020 Nothern Hesse – a model region

 Expansion of technology leadership for electrical and thermal solar systems  Expansion of industrial production in the field of decentralized energy- and efficiency technologies  Expansion of research and education / research infrastructure  Further development of the existing cooperation- and cluster structures  Strengthening of the regional added value by increased application of decentralized / renewable energy utilisation in the region  Setup of decentralized energy supply structures towards a completely regional supply  Expansion of the further education Requirements: Nothern Hesse – a model region

 Expanding Renewable Energies and implementing Energy Efficiency measures fosters the regionalization of energy supply  Regionalizing energy supply is a dynamic process with a growing impact on energy economy  Civic participation in projects fosters the sensitivity to energy issues and raises private capital  Local energy production more and more engages in competition with centralized production in large power plants  Using Renewable Energies fosters regional value creation and becomes the general principle of regional development  Municipalities, counties, regions are appropriate ranges for climate protection measures Conclusion

Contact: Dr. Martin Hoppe-Kilpper deENet e.V. Ständeplatz 15 D Kassel Germany Tel.: ++49 (0) Thank you for your attention!