Nativity Catholic School IOWA Testing
70 years of educational research and test development Form E Big Picture student’s classroom work homework projects classroom assessments portfolios Iowa Assessments
Type: Norm referenced administered Reading, Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. The tests assess both basic skills and higher order thinking skills. Purpose: Improve instruction and student learning Spring 2012 Form E Common Core Norms: 1
Rationale ~ (Arch)Dioceses in Florida Sister Seven includes St. Petersburg Reflects changes in Curriculum and Instruction (esp. technology) Greater emphasis on Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Common Core Baseline for future growth Data to inform and revise IOWA – PARC?
Educational Use: Identify strengths and weaknesses Inform Monitor growth Measure core standards Implement Response to Intervention (RTI) Inform placement decisions Make comparisons Evaluate programs Predict future performance Support accountability
Accommodation Vs. Modification
National Percentile Rank (NPR) A Percentile Rank indicating the status or relative rank of a student's score compared to a nationally representative sample of examinees.
Looking at your report! Percentile Rank For example, if a student earned a 72nd Percentile Rank in Language, this would mean he or she scored better than 72 percent of the students in a particular norm group who were administered that same test of Language. 99 Pieces
Looking at your report! Percentile Rank
Looking at your report! Core & Composite Look at scores against the composite to note strength or weakness
Core TotalComposite Grade Equivalent (GE) *corresponding to a given score on any test indicates the grade level at which the typical student obtains this score
NCS Group Longitudinal Display ALWAYS report grade 5 & 8 for transparency! Core TotalComposite
NCS Group Longitudinal Display ALWAYS report grade 5 & 8 for transparency! Core TotalComposite Reading6.5 Written Expression7.1 Conventions in Writing7.1 Math Computation6.7 Science7.0 Social Studies7.5
NCS Group Longitudinal Display ALWAYS report grade 5 & 8 for transparency! Core TotalComposite
NCS Group Longitudinal Display ALWAYS report grade 5 & 8 for transparency! Core TotalComposite Reading10.4 Written Expression12.3 Conventions in Writing11.7 Math Computation11.5 Science11.7 Social Studies12.6
Identify the class/grade overall strength Why you feel this is a strength? Does it correlate with what you already knew? Identify class/grade overall weakness Why you feel this is a weakness? Does it correlate with what you already knew? List your 5 HIGHEST students in LARTS/MATH Are you meeting their needs? How? List your 5 LOWEST students in LARTS/MATH Are you meeting their needs? How? NCS Data