Summary of Accounting Discussion at the GDB in Bologna Dave Kant CCLRC, e-Science Centre
Operations Workshop, Sept Types of Accounting Job Accounting AFTER the event (APEL Domain) Concept of a “Job” as a unit of resource consumption Determination of value after job execution Job usage record as a complete description of resource consumption Suitable for post paid services. Real Time Accounting (DGAS, SGAS Domain) Incremental determination of resource value while job being executed Incremental decrement of account balance Can enforce user quotas Suitable for pre-paid services
Operations Workshop, Sept Accounting in LCG World Accounting is an Active Area EGEE and NorduGrid have developed implementations APEL deployed in LCG/EGEE production grid for 1 Year. AFTER the event accounting 4 Million Job Records published, 127 Sites, 100K records per week DGAS – a banking system – developed by Italy Fully Deployed in INFNGrid (latest version available in gLite 1.4) SGAS – a banking system – developed for SweGrid OSG are interested in APEL and DGAS
Operations Workshop, Sept Accounting Summary … But Accounting MUST address the requirements of the project as a whole: Funding Bodies, Experiments, Users CRRB wants a table showing CPU consumed for each LHC VO Anonymous level: How much resource has been provided to each VO APEL and DGAS provide this Experiments want this as well but at finer granularity. User Level (Both APEL and DGAS can do this) Group Level within a VO Work needed by Both to interface into VOMS ATLAS and CMS provided input at the meeting.
Operations Workshop, Sept What Obstacles Are in the Way … … to report Usage at the user Level Reporting? If 10,000 CPU hours were consumed by Atlas VO, who are the users that submitted the work? Data privacy laws are an issue here because you have to harvest job records with “DN” from all the sites i.e. you have send data across international borders. APEL: collects DN, but by default this does not leave the site DGAS: collects DN, signs usage record and send off site. Is it sufficient to encrypt the data and provide restricted access to the data? Recognised that this is a general problem (affects other services e.g. job monitoring) and has been escalated to the security group for discussion (Dave Kelsey) What has been discussed? Can CA policies change to support anonymous DNs and reverse DN mappings? Get all Users to sign a declaration when they register with the VO This is an issue for everyone (MOU?)
Operations Workshop, Sept Accounting for Other Things? Recognise that accounting isn’t just about “job usage” CPU Usage Also Storage & Network Usage How do we describe this data? Luckily there is a GGF Usage record which provides a generic description of resource usage Are these descriptors stable? Are they sufficient to describe the data? Can we get Network and Storage people to use the same schema? CPU is consumed; Storage is Occupied and can be recycled For LCG it is important that everyone buys into the same usage schema Can do this for accounting job records
Operations Workshop, Sept World Wide Accounting Service for LCG Project involves combining results from all three peer infrastructures and presenting an aggregated view of resource usage for LHC VOs to the RRB Peer Infrastructures in LCG Open Science Grid + Others (Ruth Pordes, Philippe Canal, Matteo Melani) Nordugrid (Per Oster, Thomas Sandholm) LCG/EGEE (Kors Bos, Dave Kant) Arena for continued discussion
Operations Workshop, Sept Resource Usage Service If we can agree upon a common schema to describe Usage records then as far as LCG in concerned, we can satisfy requirements using an RUS. A user invokes the query service through a web browser, using SSL for client authentication, to ensure that usage information at user level belongs to the user. Servlet sends query to RUS web service and gets user data. Service Interface RUS WS Application ACL DB Web Service Container
Operations Workshop, Sept Possible Roadmap Stage 1: Lets try to get some data from each of Tier-1s summary records describing VO usage over a finite period of time Before end 2005 SweGrid, Fermilab and DGAS ARE providing Data! Stage 2: Centralised database with a web service interface (RUS) to publish/query accounting data Anonymous Summary records overcome the data privacy issue Sometime in 2006 Stage 3: Distributed databases with a complete RUS implementation including permission model. Sometime early 2007
Operations Workshop, Sept APEL and DGAS Security of Usage Record APEL does not sign the usage record DGAS does, but only when the user proxy is available. Many jobs which don’t go through the WMS don’t provide the proxy through the usual channels.