Final-Exam Revision Instructor: Mohamed Eltabakh 1
Reminder…..Final Exam Dec. 13, at 8:15am – 9:30am (75 mins) Closed book, open sheet Answer in the same exam sheet Material Included ERD SQL (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) Views, Triggers, Assertions Cursors, Stored Procedures/Functions Material Excluded Relational Model & Algebra Normalization Theory ODBC/JDBC Indexes and Transactions
SQL Commands 3
4 Question 1
5 Question 2 Select the most expensive generic medicine Select * From Medicine Where UnitPrice = ( Select max(unitPrice) From Medicine Where genericFlag = ‘T’) And genericFlag = ‘T’;
6 Question 2: Another way Select the most expensive generic medicine Select * From ( Select * From Medicine Where genericFlag = ‘T’ Order By UnitPrice Desc) Where rownum = 1; Use of rownum (Oracle specific) Must be in outer select after sorting
7 Question 3
8 Use of rownum (Oracle specific) Question 3: Another Way
9 Question 4 Delete prescription lines for prescriptions written on date ‘Jan ’ Delete From Prescription_Medicine Where prescription_id in ( Select id From Prescription Where date = ‘Jan ’);
10 Question 5 Delete prescriptions that have no lines (no records in prescription_medicine) Delete From Prescription Where id not in ( Select prescription_id From prescription_medicine);
11 Question 6 Select patients who have no primary doctors Select * From Patient Where primaryDoctor_SSN is null;
12 Question 7 Report the prescription id and its total cost of prescriptions having total cost between $100 and $200. Sort ascending based on the total cost Select prescription_id, sum(unitPrice * NumOfUnits) As totalCost From Medicine M, Prescription_Medicine PM Where M.TradeName = PM.TradeName Group By prescription_id Having totalCost > 100 And totalCost < 200 Order By totalCost;
13 Question 8 Double the number of units in prescription id and tradeName ‘Aspirin’. Update Prescription_Medicine Set NumOfUnits = NumOfUnits * 2 Where Prescription_id = And tradeName = ‘Aspirin’;
14 Question 9 For medicines in prescription 11111, double their number of units if is it currently below 5 Update Prescription_Medicine Set NumOfUnits = NumOfUnits * 2 Where Prescription_id = And tradeName in (Select tradeName From prescription_medicine Where prescription_id = And numOfUnits < 5);
Advanced SQL Commands 15
16 Question 10 Create a view that reports the trade name, unit price, and the generic flag of the most expensive and cheapest medicines.
17 Question 11 Create a view that reports the trade name, unit price, and the generic flag of the most expensive and cheapest medicines. Each record should have an indicator on whether it is the most expensive or cheapest. Create View MedicineView2 AS Select TradeName, unitPrice, genericFlag, ‘Max’ as type From Medicine Where unitPrice in (Select max(unitPrice) price From Medicine) Union Select TradeName, unitPrice, genericFlag, ‘Min’ as type From Medicine Where unitPrice in (Select min(unitPrice) price From Medicine);
18 Question 12 Using the view created in Question 11, count the number of trade names having the most expensive price. Select Count(*) From MedicineView2 Where type = ‘Max’;
19 Question 13 Create an assertion that ensures that no prescription has a tradeName having number of units > 10 Create Assertion NumUnitsBelowTen As ( 10 >= All (Select NumOfUnits From Prescription_Medicine) );
20 Question 14 Create an assertion that ensures any primary doctor has at least 3 years of experience Create Assertion NumUnitsBelowTen As ( Not Exists (Select * From doctor D, patient P Where D.SSN = P.PrimaryDoctor_SSN And YearsOfExperience < 3) );
21 Question 15 Create a stored function that takes a date as a parameter and returns the number of prescriptions on that date Create Function NumPrescriptions (inDate IN date) Return int As temp int; Begin Select count(*) into temp From prescription where date = inDate; return temp; End;
22 Question 16 Using the function created in Question 15, report the prescriptions written on a date in which more than 10 prescriptions have been written Select * From prescription Where NumPrescriotions(date) > 10;
23 Question 17 Create trigger that ensures that if the medicine is generic, then its unit price is below $100, and if it is not generic then its unit price >= $100 Create Trigger UnitPrice Before Insert Or Update On Medicine For Each Row Begin IF (:new.GenericFlag = ‘T’ and :new.UnitPrice >= 100) Then RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20004, ‘Price should be < $100’); ELSIF (:new.GenericFlag = ‘F’ and :new.UnitPrice < 100) Then RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20004, ‘Price should be >= $100’); END IF; End;
Evaluation Forms Course Number: CS3431 Course Name: Database Systems I Term: B11 Instructor Name: Mohamed Eltabakh TAs Name: Kenneth Loomis Name: Chiying Wang 24