Progressivism Social Justice Movement “By altering the environment they could reconstruct society and eliminate poverty.”


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Presentation transcript:

Progressivism Social Justice Movement “By altering the environment they could reconstruct society and eliminate poverty.”

“By the last two decades of the century many thoughful men had begun to march under various banners declaring that somewhere and somehow the promise of the American dream had been lost – they often said ‘betrayed’ – and that drastic changes needed to be made to recapture it.” America: A Narrative History v2 p.922

Those of the outside African Americans and racism Booker T. Washington WEB Du Bois Women and the Domestic Sphere

“to use the govt. as an agency of human welfare” To reform … monopolies, corruption and inefficiency in govt. and social injustice. Based on white middle class values Response to the complexity of the urban/industrial cities, political machines, and “robber barons.”

Muckrakers Publicists … exposés TR and Pilgrim’s Progress Lincoln Steffens Shame of the Cities Ida Tarbell Standard Oil Upton Sinclair The Jungle Frank Norris The Octopus

Focus on Children horror stories… a waste of human resources…broken before adults Florence Kelley … 1.Hull House and Jane Addams, 2. Nat. Consumers League, 3.Nat. Child Labor Committee, 4.Juvenile Court System

Focus on Cities Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives 1.Photographer 2.“green space” 3.Urban overcrowding …National Housing Assoc. … tenement laws

Focus on Education Learning by rote questioned Kindergarten Vocational/agricultural schools John Dewey Goal … flexible, better educated, more open minded/understanding adults.

Temperance Movement Reasons … Women's Christian Temperance Union … Francis Willard Carrie Nation and her hatchet states pass laws th Amendment then 23 rd

Suffrage Stanton and AnthonyAlice Paul

Focus on Politics Goal … to increase democracy Wisconsin Idea: Robert La Follette Primary Recall Referendum Initiative 16 th Amendment (1913, income tax) 17 th (1913, direct election/Senators) 19 th (1920, women’s suffrage)

TR’s Square Deal “second only to Niagara Falls…” Square Deal 3 Cs … 1.Control of corps. 2.Consumer protection 3.Conservation

1902 Coal strike Dept. of Commerce and labor “laissez faire” vs. good and bad trusts … regulation the key Elkins and Hepburn Acts and RR JP Morgan and Northern Securities “Trustbuster” Meat Inspection & Food and Drug Acts National Parks, Forests and Monuments

William Howard Taft 1908 election vs. Bryan and Debs Dollar Diplomacy Sherman Anti-Trust vs. Standard Oil TR’s back

1912 Election 1910 TR had begun to campaign 1911 Progressive party under Robert La Follette 1.8 hour day, 6 day week 2.No child labor under 16 years 3.System of accident, old age, and unemployment insurance 4.Women’s suffrage

“The Progressive cause is based on the eternal principles of righteousness. In the end the cause itself shall triumph.” Republicans = Taft Progressives = TR = Bull Moose Democrats = Woodrow Wilson Socialists = Eugene V. Debs “make the working class the ruling class of the nation and world”

Corporate Capitalism okay. Socialist/ radical labor org. bad. Conservative unions good. Promote Democracy. New Nationalism 1.Corp. “inevitable and necessary 2.Increase Fed. Govt. power to regulate business 3.Strong govt. to protect rts of people New Freedom 1.Restore old forms of economic competition and equal opportunities 2.Less Fed.power “Free men need no guardians”

Woodrow Wilson 41% of the vote but Progressivism wins “preacher intellect” “zealous idealism” “triple wall of privilege” …tariffs, banks, trusts…

Tariff issue Joint session of Congress 1913 Underwood Tariff Bill Why so easy? Banks Other People’s Money and How the Bankers use It …Brandeis 1913 Federal Reserve Act sets up the bankers’ bank

Trusts Federal Trade Commission takes on interstate commerce and unfair trade practices Clayton Anti-trust Act… strengthened the weaker Sherman. Exempted Labor from anti-trust prosecution, legalized strikes and picketing. AF of L’s Gompers called it the Magna Carta of Labor