The Short Story Fishing around for a good hook
Ways to hook the reader Why would they want to read your book if the first paragraph puts them to sleep? Why would they want to read your book if the first paragraph puts them to sleep? Youll goal is to write a stellar first paragraph that leaves them begging for me! Youll goal is to write a stellar first paragraph that leaves them begging for me! What happens next? Why did she do that? What is missing here? Who is this guy? Did she really just do that? Why did he say that? What happens next? Why did she do that? What is missing here? Who is this guy? Did she really just do that? Why did he say that?
Appeal to the emotions This is often used in non-fiction pieces, which may begin with a story narrative as example, a direct question to the reader, or an interesting statement of fact that the reader may or may not agree with, but which entices him or her to read further. This is often used in non-fiction pieces, which may begin with a story narrative as example, a direct question to the reader, or an interesting statement of fact that the reader may or may not agree with, but which entices him or her to read further.
Fiction EXAMPLES Mr. Ewell grabbed his daughter by the arm and threw her against the wall. Mr. Ewell grabbed his daughter by the arm and threw her against the wall. Maman died today. Maman died today.
Shock or surprise Tell the reader something they didnt know and make them want the rest of the story. Or say something in a way that surprises and intrigues the reader. Capture and shock the reader immediately, and raise questions about the character as well as the situation. Tell the reader something they didnt know and make them want the rest of the story. Or say something in a way that surprises and intrigues the reader. Capture and shock the reader immediately, and raise questions about the character as well as the situation.
Example It was a pleasure to burn. It was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. It was a pleasure to burn. It was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.
Exercise Try your own shock and surprise hook. Try your own shock and surprise hook.
Dialogue It has to be significant and draw us in. It develops characterization and raises questions for us so we want to read more. It has to be significant and draw us in. It develops characterization and raises questions for us so we want to read more.
Examples I doubt youll ever see him again. They never come back, you know. You might as well just forget him, Henry leaned up against the wall and leered at her. Sarah blinked and fought the lump in her throat that threatened to suffocate her. Hell come back. I know he will. He wouldnt leave without this. A small gold watch dangled from her fingers.
Exercise Write a hook that uses dialogue that makes us want to know more. Write a hook that uses dialogue that makes us want to know more.
Action Start the reader in the middle of the action. It dumps the reader into a crisis, engages him or her emotionally. Start the reader in the middle of the action. It dumps the reader into a crisis, engages him or her emotionally. Example: Keeping herself small and quiet, Gull crouched behind a tall clump of russet- bladed warden grass and spied upon the men as they gathered around the body. Example: Keeping herself small and quiet, Gull crouched behind a tall clump of russet- bladed warden grass and spied upon the men as they gathered around the body.
Exercise Write a hook that starts in the middle of a climactic scene. Write a hook that starts in the middle of a climactic scene.
Description Make it short but SHOW a scene that makes us want to know more about it. Write a narrative that shows something is out of place or different from the way it usually is. If you can use the narrative to raise questions in the readers mind, you have created the hook.
Example The deserted room was dusty and badly lit, sheets covering what was probably furniture in the corner away from the door. Dust motes swirled in the late afternoon sunlight spilling through the tall mullioned windows. Lisa expected the room to smell musty, but someone had propped one of windows ajar with a broom handle. If hadnt been open yesterday. The deserted room was dusty and badly lit, sheets covering what was probably furniture in the corner away from the door. Dust motes swirled in the late afternoon sunlight spilling through the tall mullioned windows. Lisa expected the room to smell musty, but someone had propped one of windows ajar with a broom handle. If hadnt been open yesterday.
Another Example The maximum-security Hatch Forensic Institute, is a squat concrete-and steel building surrounded by chain link and razor wire. Theres never been an escape from Hatch. The maximum-security Hatch Forensic Institute, is a squat concrete-and steel building surrounded by chain link and razor wire. Theres never been an escape from Hatch.
Exercise Write your own showing descriptive paragraph that shows something amiss. Make us ask questions and want to know what is going to happen in this setting. Write your own showing descriptive paragraph that shows something amiss. Make us ask questions and want to know what is going to happen in this setting.