On-Board Transit Survey Presentation to TCC Dec. 13, 2002 Heather Alhadeff, AICP
Purpose Conduct survey that is significant for its focus on regional travel patterns Results will be used to update data inputs for ARC’s regional travel demand model
Background MARTA, CCT, Clayton, and Gwinnett County transit systems were surveyed between 10/13/01 and 12/09/01. For a “true” picture of ridership characteristics, Clayton and Gwinnett were re-surveyed in February 2002 –Allowing them to “mature” over a three to four month period after service initiation.
Report Includes Data collection: origin and destination, demographics, access and egress modes, and public transit use. Review of Existing Transit Operations. A database interface was created between ArcView and Access to allow the end user to create tables and maps by selecting specific criteria such as route, time-of-day, weekday/weekend.
Sampling Methods (buses) For efficiency, the sampling methodology is based on three principles, stratification, variability, and trip clustering. 1 st stage: Sample of weekday (and some weekend) revenue bus trips – roughly an 80%/20% split among weekday and weekend trips, which matches the actual service split for MARTA overall. 2 nd : Survey of passengers boarding the sampled bus trips.
Survey Questionnaire
Surveys by System Overall response rate was 33% The response rate by system was: –46% for MARTA Rail –29% for MARTA Bus –62% for Clayton –38% for CCT
Trip Origin Region-wide, 48% of trips began at home –MARTA Rail (53%) –MARTA bus (44%) –CCT (53%) –Gwinnett and Clayton (64%) 30% began their sampled trip from work.
Trip Origin (cont’d)
Trip Purpose Weekday: MARTA one-in five & CCT, Gwinnett/Clayton one-in-ten passengers made a discretionary trip. Weekend: twenty-five percent more riders use transit for discretionary (43%) trips
Destinations Weekday: –MARTA: Work and home share similar percentages (36%) –Gwinnett/Clayton Home (17%) Work (63%) –CCT Home (29%) Work (47%) Weekend Overall: –Home 27% (exception CCT 9%) –Work 26% (exception CCT 40%)
Trip Destinations (cont’d)
All Transit and Auto Trips by Time of Day
Transit Trip Duration
Methods of Transit Access During the week and weekend ~60% accessed public transit by walking & 20% transferred from another bus or train. Bus access is dominated by walk mode. MARTA rail: –31% of weekday & 17% of weekend drove a car and parked CCT: –23 % of weekday & 10% of weekend began using private transit, such as taxi or shuttle/vanpool service. Gwinnett and Clayton: –33% of weekday & 70% of weekend walked –42% accessed public transit from a automobile (kiss n’ ride, taxi, etc.)
How did you GET TO where you boarded this bus or train?
Egress mode Region-wide, weekday/end ridership are similar. 63% walked after the conclusion of their one-way transit trip Second most popular method of egress: –Over 31% of Gwinnett/Clayton transferred to another bus/rail –“Drive a car” is the second most frequent method of egress for weekday MARTA rail users (3 rd for weekend) –MARTA bus users- “Transfer to Marta rail” or bus (tied 13%) –Remaining systems- “Transfer to a bus” CCT (15%), MARTA rail (14%), and MARTA bus (12%) Gwinnett and Clayton (21%)
Transit Usage Passengers who use public transit at least five days/week –Seven-in-ten (weekday) –Six-in-ten (weekend) Increased bus usage: –34% (bus) and 24% (rail) respondents have increased their transit usage over the previous six months –One-in-ten Gwinnett/Clayton passengers were already using public transit before the new systems became operational. 81% of Gwinnett and Clayton riders report an increase. Only seven percent of all riders report a decrease.
Think of your use of public transit over the past six months. Which of the following applies to you?
Did not have a vehicle: –All: weekday (42%) & weekend (47%) –MARTA rail: weekday (25%) & weekend (38%) –MARTA bus: weekday (52%) & weekend (55%) –Gwinnett/Clayton: weekday (31%) & weekend (38%) How many vehicles are in Running Condition & Available to Your Household?
If bus or rail service was not available, how would you MAKE THIS TRIP? No transit available: – The majority would either drive weekday (31%) or catch a ride with someone weekend (30%) –“Weekday (20%) & 22% of weekend respondents would not have made the sampled trip if public transit service were not available. Of those who would not make the trip: –Region-wide, 72% would not take a work or home trip –Weekday (38%) & Weekend (22%) would not go to work
Alternative Method of Travel by Income
Alternative Method of Travel by County
Demographics Both weekday and weekend (~70%) respondents are African- American. Weekday (19%) and weekend (15%) respondents are White. Gender is split almost 50/50 (slightly more males on weekend). Age was the most frequent response. Weekend respondents are slightly younger than weekday respondents with 31% weekend and 26% weekday respondents between the ages of 16 and 24. Nearly one-in-three weekday and weekend passengers have at least three other persons in their household.
Income Weekend & weekday over 55% have an annual household income of less than $30,000. Weekday (20%) weekend (15%) have an income of $60,000 or more. More affluent passengers use the MARTA rail and Gwinnett/Clayton systems.
Household Size and Income Household Size Household Income Total 13,140 18,058 13,350 19,395 63,943 Low ($0 to $29,999) 62% 56% 53% 55% 56% 6,723 8,959 6,055 9,701 31,438 Mid ($30,000 to $59,999) 32% 28% 24% 28% 28% 1,238 3,827 3,515 3,858 12,438 High-Mid ($60,000 to $99,999) 6% 12% 14% 11% 11% 49 1,447 2,302 2,171 5,969 High ($100,000 or more) 0% 4% 9% 6% 5% 21,150 32,291 25,222 35, ,788 Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Trip Chain by Income
Payment Method 50% used a pass to pay for their trip. Weekday: (31%) respondents used a Monthly TransCard, 28% used Weekly TransCard. A higher percentage of weekend respondents used a Weekly TransCard (31%) than a Monthly TransCard (23%).
Conclusions During the week, public transit in the Atlanta region is mainly used for non-discretionary trips. 42% of all weekday respondents (52% of MARTA bus) do not have a vehicle During the week and weekend, nearly 60% access public transit by walking. More than 70% weekday passengers use public transit for their trip at least five days per week (mainly for work purposes).
Incentive Winners Grand Prize (One Year of Monthly Passes -$630 Value) –George Williams of College Park Second Prize (6 Months of Monthly Passes -$315 Value) –Earnest Coer of Atlanta Third Prize (1 Monthly Pass to 5 Winners Value) –Jenea Welch of Atlanta –Julian Brown of Atlanta –Yvonne Riggins of Tucker –Remaining Winners Did Not Want to Be Announced
Thanks For Your Time! Any general ?’s