eBooks: New Perspectives for the access and promotion of Scıent i f i c Informat i on Ankos, April Nuria Sauri, Electronic Products Manager, Swets
2 Introducing Swets The market and the users How about l i brar i ans? The SwetsWise Solution Contents
Company introduction Subscriptions service company, founded in 1901 Offices in more than 20 countries around the world, and business in more than 160 countries Employs approx. 650 people Intermediary between more than 60,000 customers and 65,000 publishers Active in eBook business since 2006
“ Yes, we want e-books but …” BUDGET Catalo g Acquisition process Collection development Preserva tion Respons i bili ty ownership when ? Pr omotion
The market and the users
Consumer adoption eBooks will have a huge knock-on effect within academic libraries Jeff Bezos, Amazon, July 2010: “Amazon currently sells more eBooks than hardcover books. I predict we will surpass paperback sales sometime in the next nine to 12 months. Sometime after that, we’ll surpass the combination of paperback and hardcover. It stuns me.” Are we reaching the tipping point?
User behaviour may be changing in favour of reading online for “screenagers” “This new generation is much more comfortable with reading content from computer screens and mobile telephones. If these findings are accurate and if the reading devices that currently are being developed do provide easy-to-read displays, the electronic display may no longer be a barrier to e-book adoption.” Source: What Happened to the E-book Revolution?: The Gradual Integration of E-books into Academic Libraries, Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Heather L. Wicht, Journal of Electronic Publishing, 2007, 10-3
User behavıor How did you read the content? Jisc National e-books observatory project. Headline findings from the user surveys. Ciber, final report, November 2009
Lenght of sessıon Typically, how long do you think you spend reading an e ‐ book from a screen in one session? Jisc National e-books observatory project. Headline findings from the user surveys. Ciber, final report, November 2009
10 How about librarians?
11 Librarians are struggling to keep up with all the optıons 1. Comparing pricing between vendors & available pricing options 2. Finding out which eBook titles are available 3. Comparing license conditions 4. Negotiating & signing license agreements for eBooks 5. Obtaining & analyzing usage statistics Market suffers from a lack of transparency Top-5 headaches for librarians regarding eBooks Source: Customer Survey Swets, “11 Questions on eBooks”, April 2009
13 The Swets proposal
Swets sees eBooks as a great opportunity Extensive experience with electronic content Worldwide network of libraries and publishers A well-used library platform eBooks provide a great match with mission to simplify
15 Our answer: eBooks in SwetsWise SwetsWise is our web interface used by academic, corporate and government institutions worldwide to find, order, access and manage content Now extended to support the acquisition and management of eBooks SwetsWise provides a single interface for journals and eBooks, which is unique to the information industry
SwetsWise provides a single source for eBooks purchasing
17 The SwetsWise eBook Procurement Portal Our procurement catalog contains eBooks from more than 1,000 publishers and holds close to titles available for individual purchase Easily compare prices and purchase options offered by aggregators and the publisher Daily updated with new titles Full text-access provided by the provider of choice
18 Let’s take a look
19 Basic and advanced search functionalities available
20 A single overview displays which vendors provide the title of interest, against which prices and price models
21 Easily obtain overview of collections that include the title of interest
22 Detailed bibliographic information is provided to simplify the selection process
23 View collection details and title list
24 To avoid unnecessary duplication costs you will be notified if you already own the title
25 Add several order references to support your internal processes
26 All your eBook orders available in a searchable list
27 Purchase details available for all orders
28 Option to limit the order budgets of your users and define an approval cycle
29 A range of additional service can be integrated into SwetsWise Collect and consolidate eBook usage stats in one environment Integrated overview of all your journals and eBooks in an easy to use and simple list From a single interface, users can quickly obtain relevant search results from all eBook (and journal) platforms Seamless access to all eBook (and journal) platforms through a listing of available resources
Long-term outlook Source: information behaviour of the researcher of the future, 11 January 2008, CIBER “In 2017, electronic books, driven by consumer demand, will finally become established as the primary format for educational textbooks and scholarly books and monographs, as well as reference formats.”