TWO GOLDEN AGES OF CHINA Under the rule of Tang, the bureaucracy was restored, canals were built to bring about trade and transportation and Tang had given land to the peasants. Between 618 and 907, Tang and his armies traveled to Central Asia and forced the neighboring lands into becoming tributary states. After the collapse of the Tang dynasty in 907, the Song dynasty had taken Tang’s place. During the Song period, which was a golden age, the Chinese wealth and culture held power in East Asia. During this time, cities had grown, trade had been expanded and people had begun using paper money.
GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY The Tang and Song dynasties created a well-ordered society in China. There were two main classes in China: gentry and peasantry. There was also the emporor and the aristocratic families. The gentry was the welath class, they were landowners and they favored education over physical labor. The peasants were farmers but if they were in government or if they were educated they could move up in society.
CULTURAL ACHIEVEMENTS China had a very rich economy. It was also a very well-educated society. Painting and calligraphy were developed as essential skills throughout Asia. Being a well-educated society, works in philosophy, religion, and history produced and poetry flourished.
THE MONGOL AND MING EMPIRES The song dynasty collapsed in the early 1200s, when the Mongols invaded China. The Mongols had a very peaceful and orderly domain and were politically stable, which benefitted China economically. Because of the Mongols, trade expanded along the Silk Road and Eurasia.
MING DYNASTY The Mongols were pushed out of China in 1368 by the Ming dynasty. The meaning of the word “Ming”, means brilliant. Due to the many thriving industries, China’s economy thrived as well.
EXPLORATION China had a strong influence on many of the surrounding areas, including the Korean peninsula. Korea had taken in many of the Chinese influences and improved some of the inventions the Chinese had. One of the inventions they improved was the woodblock printing techniques. They began using moveable metal type instead. Their literacy rate had increased due to their spoken sounds in place of the Chinese characters.
KOREA AND ITS TRADITIONS China’s influences had been spread to places byond the Middle Kingdom. Korea had been influenced by China but still has many of their own traditions as well. Koreans also improved some ideas or techniques that the Chinese originally had. For example, they created moving metal type for books instead of woodblock printing.
THE EMERGENCE OF JAPAN China wasn’t only an influence on Korea, but on Japan as well. Like Korea, they also maintained their district culture. They were protected and isolated by the seas that surrounded them. Japan could learn from Korea and China but they were far enough away to not get conquered by China.
JAPAN’S FEUDAL AGE Japan was headed by an emperor. Although he was powerless, he was greatly respected. All of the power was left to the shogun. The shogun is the supreme military commander. Some of the things he did include distributing land to vassal lords if they, in return, agreed to support his military. These lords were referred to as daimyo and the warriors that didn’t have as much power were called samurai. The word “samurai” means “those who serve.” The Tokugawa shogunate was formed by Tokugawa Ieyasu in It ruled in Japan until 1868.
REVIEW What were the tributary states in China? The tributary states in China were the Middle Kingdom and the neigboring states. What was the lowest class of society in China? The lowest class of society were the peasants. What elegant [fancy] handwriting was developed by the Chinese? They developed calligraphy. What group of people invaded China around 1200 and were led by Ghenghiz Khan? The Mongols were the ones who invaded China around 1200 and were led by Ghenhiz Khan. The heirs of Ghenghiz Khan established peace and order. What do Historians call that time? It was called Pax Mongolia. A supreme military commander in Japan was called what? They were called shoguns. A warrior lord in Japan was called what? The warrior lords were called daimyo. “Those who serve” were lesser warriors in Japan. What were they called? The lesser warriors were called samurai.