L/O/G/O Writing : How to deal with lies, hoaxes( 骗局 ) or rumors ( 谣言 )? 湛江二中港城中学 邓春燕 Improve Writing through Reading Series:


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Presentation transcript:

L/O/G/O Writing : How to deal with lies, hoaxes( 骗局 ) or rumors ( 谣言 )? 湛江二中港城中学 邓春燕 Improve Writing through Reading Series:

The topic of this week’s class meeting 1. Jim’s excuse for not bringing his homework 2. Julia’s illness 3. The place people in Chengdu camped when the rumor came 4. The people who sold their goods at a higher price 5. Paragraph1 Paragraph4 Step I Fast reading → 定位 Paragraph2 Paragraph3

The topic of this week’s class meeting 1. Jim’s excuse for not bringing his homework 2. Julia’s illness 3. The place people in Chengdu camped when the rumor came 4. The people who sold their goods at a higher price 5. Paragraph1 Paragraph4 Names are important!!! Chinese is helpful!!! Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Step I Fast reading → 定位

Step II Scanning → 提取 The topic of this week’s class meeting 1. Jim’s excuse for not bringing his homework 2. Julia’s illness 3. The place people in Chengdu camped when the rumor came 4. The people who sold their goods at a higher price 5. Paragraph1 Paragraph3 Paragraph4 Paragraph2 How to deal with lies, hoaxes or rumors His dog ate it Brain cancer Outside their houses Some businessmen.

The topic of this week’s class meeting 1. Jim’s excuse for not bringing his homework 2. Julia’s illness 3. The place people in Chengdu camped when the rumor came 4. The people who sold their goods at a higher price 5. talk/ discuss about… parts of bodies (heart, lung…) +ache/pain/cancer, Parkinsonism -er,-or,-man (butcher, professor, freshman...) Step II 提取方法

Step III Practice The number of the stories in this passage 6. When did the teacher make Jim finish his homework 7. How do we think we can avoid trouble 8. The purpose of the chain letter 9. How often did they have a class meeting 10. Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph1 Paragragh?The whole

Step III Practice The number of the stories in this passage 6. When did the teacher make Jim finish his homework 7. How do we think we can avoid trouble 8. The purpose of the chain letter 9. How often did they have a class meeting 10. Once a week To cheat you and waste your time After school By making excuses 3/three The whole Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph1

StepIV Evaluation Criteria( 评分标准 ) The number of the stories in this passage 6. When did the teacher make Jim finish his homework 7. How do we think we can avoid trouble 8. The purpose of the chain letter 9. How often did they have a class meeting 10. weekly cheat you 3/three -0.5 (to, in order to, so that, and, also, as well...) make excuses By making Step III Criteria → 检查 -0.5 (Pay attention to grammar points) To cheat you and waste your time be found directly /counted Once a week -0.5 (once,twice... Usually, never...) 解题方法:先定位,再提取,后检查

Reading for writing 大千世界,无奇不有。相信同学们也遇到过这类谎言、骗局或 谣言。假设你叫李明,是红星( Hongxing )中学九( 1 )班 的学生,请你写一篇发言稿。内容包括: 1. 自我介绍; 2. 描述一次类似的经历,并说说你当时的感受; 3. 以后再经历这样的事,作为学生,我们该怎么做?请提出两个 建议或做法。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文 ; 不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真 实姓名; 2. 语句连贯,次数在 80 个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总次数。

Writing Steps 1. Get the IdeasGet the Ideas 2. Think of the structuresThink of the structures 3. First writeFirst write 4. Correct your workCorrect your work

Get the Ideas : Watch : Girls and a beggar; the nuclear leak ( 核泄漏 ) caused panic Answer: 1. What did the girls give to the beggar, money or a lizard( 蜥蜴 ) ? 2. After knowing the truth, what might the girls feel? 3. What did people rush to buy? Why?

Get the Ideas : Watch : Girls and a beggar; the nuclear leak ( 核泄漏 ) caused panic Answer: 1. What did the girls give to the beggar, money or a lizard( 蜥蜴 ) ? 2. After knowing the truth, what might the girls feel? 3. What did people rush to buy? Why?

Get the Ideas Get the Ideas : 2. After knowing the truth, what might the girls feel? 3. What did people rush to buy? Why? Angry, disappointed... be afraid of food safety problems didn’t have enough information can’t tell rumors from reality( 事实 ) so nervous that spread the rumors government didn’t take measures ( 措施 ) to fight against it in time

Think of the structures self-introduction 2 分 at least two suggestions experience 5 分 and feeling 2 分 name appearance school personality families hobbies 6分6分 Trust yourself

high school entrance exam 中考 Correct your work~~

high school entrance exam 中考

Homework Review what we have learnt today Rewrite your work and read it to your parents.

Get the ideas 大千世界,无奇不有。相信同学们也遇到过这类谎言、骗局或 谣言。假设你叫李明,是红星( Hongxing )中学九( 1 )班 的学生,请你写一篇发言稿。内容包括: 1. 自我介绍; self-introduction 2. 描述一次类似的经历,并说说你当时的感受; an experience & feelings 3. 以后再经历这样的事,作为学生,我们该怎么做?请提出两个 建议或做法。 suggestions 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文 ; 不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真 实姓名; 2. 语句连贯,次数在 80 个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总次数。

1. Think about your experience. 2. Write down your suggestions. ( You can also get it from the reading meterial.) 3. Share it with your groupmates. Brainstorming suggestions

fear  Some businessmen used people’s fear of earthquake to help sell their goods ( 商品 ) at a higher price. fear The meaning of the underlined word “fear” is __. A. 担心 B. 疑惑 C. 同情 D. 害怕 猜词义 想迁移 worry\ worry about sth \be worried about sth be confused \be puzzled show sympathy on be afraid of \ be frightened of Task I: Read, guess and get the ideas

avoid  Sometimes we think we can avoid trouble by making excuses when we do something wrong avoid The underlined word “avoid” means ___________. A. 造成 B. 避免 C. 减少 D. 增加 猜词义 找近义 Task I: Read, guess and get the ideas Keep away from, get out of, prevent

Choose the right answer.  many people rushed to buy______ A. foodB. Water C. medicineD. All the above Task II: Read for more details. 找细节 忆经历  Which is NOT true?______ A.The teacher was so angry that she punished Jim B. Chain letters cheat you and waste your time C. Businessmen helped a lot D. Many people believed the rumor Banlangen (板蓝根), salt, mask (口罩)

Finish Part Two