SPARTA VS. ATHENS SPARTAATHENS Upper classes had all power and privileges. Helots (slaves) did all non-military work. All citizens were equal. Women and slaves were excluded from being citizens. All education focused on military strategies and war. Education focused on physical and mental skills. SOCIETYSOCIETY BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT SPARTAATHENS ExecutiveFive ephors, or magistrates with unlimited power. Two kings elected by the Assembly Nine archons, or rulers, with power limited by the Assembly LegislatureCouncil of Elders made up of 28 members over the age of 60. Laws proposed to the Assembly. Assembly made up of all citizens over age 20. They voted on major policy. Council of 500 made up of citizens over the age of 30, chosen by lot. Laws proposed to the Assembly. Assembly made up of all male citizens over age 20. They had full and final power. OSTRACISM JudicialKings acted as judgesCourt chosen by lot. Juries were very large (201 – 2001), used secret ballots to reach verdict.
What was the Parthenon? Where is most Greek Painting found today? Who was Praxiteles? How did Greek art glorify the human being? How did Greek art show pride in Greece’s City-States? What was the Acropolis? Where was it located? The Parthenon was a white marble temple built in Athens in honor of Athena. It is considered the finest example of Greek Architecture. The best preserved examples are found on vases. Greek vase painters illustrated scenes from everyday life as well as mythological events. Praxiteles was a Greek sculptor who sculpted figures that were more lifelike and natural in form and size than other sculptors before him.. Greek artists placed great importance on human qualities and actions. Their works often glorified human beings. Their artists also showed qualities like strength, intelligence, pride, grace and courage which were greatly admired by the Greeks Art was meant for public enjoyment, and the architecture and public buildings were meant to be a monument to the power and glory of the polis. It was a high hill in the center of Athens. The Parthenon stood there as well as other important buildings and art works.
Athenian Reform SolonPisistratusCleisthenes 1. Cancelled Farmer’s Debt 2. Outlawed Debt Slavery 3. Enlarged the Council to Assembly of all citizens vote on laws 5. Citizenship to craftworkers not born in Athens 6. Encouraged Trade 1. Banished Nobles 2. Redistributed Noble land among the poor 3. Encouraged Trade 4. Encouraged the Arts 1. Ostracism 2. Increased Council to 500 Pericles 1. Greek government – citizens equal before the law, becomes model for Western Democracy 2. Public Service is an honorable & necessary part of every citizens life. 3. Citizens are free to live their lives, to come and go as they please, & to speak their minds openly 4. An awareness of beauty did not make them weak 5. Public debates were held before the state took action