Song > Glory, Hallelujah SDA HYMN 246 +
Song > Fem: Glory, hallelujah! Male: Praise Him, hallelujah! Fem: Glory, hallelujah All: To the Lamb! Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, Worthy, worthy is the Lamb; Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, that was slain. Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Fem: Glory, hallelujah! Men: Praise Him, hallelujah! Fem: Glory, hallelujah All: To the Lamb! Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, Worthy is the lamb that was slain, Worthy is the lamb that was slain, to receive, Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Power and riches and wisdom and strength, Honor and glory and blessing, Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Worthy is the Lamb, Glory, Hallelujah
Song > > Power and riches and wisdom and strength, Honor and glory and blessing, Worthy is the Lamb, Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Worthy is the Lamb, That was slain. Fem: Glory, hallelujah! Men: Praise Him hallelujah! Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Fem: Glory, hallelujah All: To the Lamb! >Men: Glory, hallelujah! Fem: Praise Him hallelujah! Glory, Hallelujah
Song > Men: Glory, hallelujah! All: To the Lamb. To the Lamb, To the LAMB! Glory, Hallelujah